Families Reading Together

Please remember that our ‘Families Reading Together’ sessions take place in the library after school on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Our P7 helpers will be there to help from 3.15-4pm! Here are some photos from Monday’s session, when some of our nursery children enjoyed hearing stories from the P7s and our librarian, Moira. Some of the other P7s were busy making posters to advertise the sessions. We hope that you can come along and support them!

P4 Daily Mile Madness!

The aim of The Daily Mile is to improve the physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of our children.

Its impact can be transformational – improving not only the children’s fitness, but also their concentration levels, mood, behaviour and general wellbeing.

The Daily Mile is a social activity, wherein the children run or jog – at their own pace – in the fresh air with friends. Children can occasionally walk to catch their breath, if necessary, but should aim to run or jog for the full 15 minutes.

Primary 4 had great fun running our daily mile yesterday!



P7 Lunchtime Problem Solving

As the sun shone on us today at lunch time Primary 7 decided to use the logs to create their own game. They had to risk assess which logs were safe to stand on and tested out the log path to ensure it was safe to leep across. Then they decided on rules on how to play the game in a fair way. They had lots of fun and Miss Burton even had a go too (with some support!), everyone who joined in managed to earn themselves a dojo! Well done P7!

Primary 1 Stay Safe Online

 We are learning to … stay safe online. 

  • I can … name some things that use the internet.
  • I know … what to do if I think something is wrong.
  • I can … name adults that I can speak to.

We talked about what we like doing on computers or ipads.

Maisey – “I like playing ‘Minions’ on my ipad”

Connor – “I like going on You Tube”

Christopher J “He might see something he doesn’t want”

We heard a story about Smartie the penguin who got a new computer for his birthday.  Something popped up on the screen and he didn’t know what is was or what to do.  We talked to our partners to think of some help for Smartie.  We had a vote and decided he should tell a grown-up.

We learned a song to help us remember what to do:

Before you click, click, click

You need to think, think, think 




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