Club Wild – Early Hints of Spring

Early Hints of Spring!

Who would have thought that at the start of last week Club Wild were out and about in the area around the school looking for the early signs of Spring. In January, February and March, Mother Nature gives us some clues to show that change is in the air… Spring is coming!

Over by the football pitch we found clumps of snowdrops to make us smile. Snowdrops are one of the earliest bulbs to flower. We spotted bluebell and other shoots emerging from the ground. These pop up early in Spring to make the most of the light before they are shaded by the trees as they get their leaves. On most trees now, we  can see the leaves getting ready to unfurl from their buds and on some of the elder trees the leaves have already burst.

We saw bright yellow catkins dangling from the branches of alder and hazel trees. Sometimes called lamb’s tails, the catkins are the male flowers and if you look closely beside them you might see the tiny pink female flowers.

We can also tell that spring is on the way by listening and watching the birds. It is like the birds are singing to tell everyone that Spring will be with us soon and soon they will be busy building nests. We can help the birds build their nests by making nesting bundles. We collected natural materials such as dry grasses, seed heads, moss, feathers, sheep wool and mixed it together with pet fur and wool cut into very short lengths, less than 2cm long. Using forked twigs we attached the nesting bundles to the sticks using twine and hung them from trees, climbing up to make sure they were safe from predators. The birds will now be able to choose what materials they line their nest with and maybe we will see some cosy nests with our bits of coloured wool.

With all the snow over the last week it is especially important to help the wildlife in any way we can. Once the snow has melted, maybe you could look out for the early signs that show, nature is waking up, Spring is on its way.

Look out next week for more ways that Club Wild is learning about and helping wildlife.
Club Wild, Mrs Young and Sarah-Jane

Primary 1 – World Book Day

We are learning to … read and listen to stories for enjoyment.

I can … take part in a story.

I can … retell stories in different ways.

I can … share likes and dislikes in stories.

As part of World Book Day, P1 heard lots of new stories and created lots of art and writing linked to them.  We had a big discussion about everything we did and what we thought about reading books.

What was your favourite story this week and why?

Harrison: Aliens love Underpants.  I liked making my own underpants!

Hannah: Blown Away.  I enjoyed making my own kite.  The story is about animals who are blown away on a kite.

Lewis: I enjoyed Aliens love Underpants.  My favourite part was when the aliens were dancing!

Jacob:  My favourite was Supertato.  The best part was when the carrot was stuck in the elevator.  I put eyes, masks, legs on different vegetables like celery and carrots.

Which story character did you dress up as this week?

Sophie:  I dressed up as Belle from my favourite book!

Jessica:  Anna from Frozen.

Christopher M & Christopher J: We were both Spiderman!

Kenzie:  I loved being a red Power Ranger!

Jacob and Mitzi – We were Horrid Henry.

What books do you like to read at home?

Corey:  I like fact books about sharks.

Iona: I like Frozen books

Danielle: I like interesting animal books or books about the seashore.  I have lots of different ones.

Hannah:  My favourite book book is Rapunzel.

Connor:   ‘The Back to Front Bat’ is my favourite.

Grace: I like scary stories.

Logan:  I like dinosaur stories.

Emma – Leigh: I like non-fiction books.

Ben:  I like Room on the Broom.

Leah:  I like Bat-girl stories and I dressed up has Bat-girl.

Ruraidh:  I like The BFG.

Christopher Pickwell:  My favourite story is Who’s in the Loo?  It’s a funny story!

Can you spot us all below?

World Book Day: Supertato

In our workshop, we looked at the book ‘Supertato’ by Sue Hendra & Paul Linnet.  We talked about the main character and looked at a short video about how the authors created the caped potato superhero!

We then discussed the next book, ‘Supertato Veggies Assemble’.  In this book, the vegetables decide to work together as a team of ‘Super Veggies’!  All of the children then created their own super vegetable character.


Primary 2

For ‘Pumphy Book Day’, we took part in activities linked to different stories.

So, what did we do?

Miss McLaughlin – We were looking at ‘This Book just ate my dog!’. We made our own greedy books and created our own titles (‘This book just ate…’).

Mrs Strachan – We were looking at ‘Aliens love Underpants’. We got to design our own aliens or our own pair of underpants!

Miss McLennan – We were looking at ‘Blown away’. We got to design and make our own kites!

Mrs Dugan – We were looking at ‘Supertato’. We got to make our own ‘Super’ vegetables!

We also got to dress up as our favourite book characters!

What did we do at home?

Some of us took part in the ‘Families reading together’ sessions. We got to make bookmarks, models and masks. Some of us tried to make our own books at home, with nice and nasty characters. We also made use of our ‘Book Bug’ and ‘Read, Write, Count’ bags. We’ve been doing lots of extra reading at home too!

World Book Day: George’s Marvellous Medicine

In our workshops, we looked at the book ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ by Roald Dahl. We read an extract from the book and discussed what the book is about and why it’s such a great book. We then made a group ‘medicine’ using a variety of ingredients you could find in a kitchen or bathroom. Everyone got a chance to choose an ingredient and decide how much of it to put in. After putting it in the bowl and  giving it a good mix, the children wrote their ingredient up on the whiteboard to create our group recipe.  Our ‘medicines’ smelled as horrible as they looked!  After creating our group recipe, everyone got the chance to write a recipe of their own. If anyone makes their own ‘medicine’ (under adult  supervision) remember to post a photo on the blog.

West Lothian Burns’ Festival

Tonight, four pupils represented PUSCPS at the West Lothian Burns’ Festival. Miss Burton and Mrs Dickie were very proud of them all! Their hard work in learning their poems, together with their confidence at performing in front of a large audience, meant that they were a real credit to our school. Thank you to Miai, Rosa, Olivia and Christopher for representing PUSCPS. Thanks too to their families who came along to support them.

Families Reading Together

Today was our second session of Families Reading Together in our community library. Thank you to Moira, our librarian and our P7 Young Leaders for organising this. There is another session tomorrow after school, we look forward to seeing you then.

Tom Gates Book Masterclass

For our book masterclass pupils from P4-7joined together to look at Liz Pichon’s book “Tom Gates – Genius Ideas (Mostly)”.

We read an extract of the book together and discussed the style in which Liz writes her books. She uses lots of pictures (or doodles as Tom calls them) and changes her writing to show what the word means. These types of words are called calligrams.

We then set to work creating calligrams our own words. We were very quiet and concentrating extremely hard when we were completing this!


At the end we shared our calligrams with each other and gave each other feedback on what we had created. Have a look!


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