Club Wild: Maths Week Scotland

This week at club wild we looked into maths in nature as part of Maths Week Scotland. We thought about how we see maths in our daily lives and explored mathematical patterns in nature.
First we looked at bilateral symmetry and thought of the  plants and animals that we could split into two matching halves. Leaves, beautiful butterflies and even us.
Passing round the inside of an old wasp’ s nest we could see an amazing hexagonal pattern the same as the honeycomb of bees. Mathematicians believe that bees and wasps use the hexagonal shape to utilise space. Other shapes like circles would leave a space.
Another amazing mathematical pattern we found in the heads of the sunflowers in the school garden. If you count the spirals you will always find a Fibonacci number where the number is equal to the two previous numbers (0, 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55, and so on). We liked learning the mathematical words for things we see all the time.
Maths patterns are all around us from the branching of trees,  waves, cracking muds, spirals of pine cones and snail shells, petals and seed heads, the number of spots on ladybird and identical halves of butterflies. Next time when you are out and about have a look and see what patterns you can see.
Club Wild,  Mrs B & Sarah-Jane

Sumdog Contest

The Maths Week Scotland Sumdog Competition has started.

Our results so far are …

Out of 14907 pupils: 

  • 1988th – Lucy  – P1
  • 2317th – Callum  – P1

Out of 603 classes: 

  • 395th – P1
  • 583rd – P3

Remember you can also log in at home!

Maths Week Scotland Sumdog Contest

P1-7 can take part in the Maths Week Scotland Sumdog Competition, at school and at home. The competition starts on Friday 27th September and runs until 3rd October.

A huge thank you to Parent Partners fundraising, which has supported the renewal of our Sumdog subscription.

Good Luck!

Primary 6 Endangered Planet

This week, Primary 6 turned into wildlife investigators!

In Science lessons, we have been discussing the words ‘extinct’ and ‘endangered’. Miss McLaughlin set us an investigation task to research ‘endangered’ animals. We could choose to show our information as a video clip or poster.

We structured our investigations around three themes:

  • information about the animal
  • what makes it endangered
  • what the WWF are doing to try to stop this.

Miss McLaughlin combined our presentations into a wildlife ‘documentary’. She has added 5 dojos to everybody’s score for their hard work.

Click on the link below to watch (apologies, as some sections are quite quiet).

Check in with us again soon to see what else we have been learning!

Until then…
Primary 6 & Miss M 🙂

P7 Pump Track Safety

Today Primary 7 were set the challenge of creating a poster to demonstrate how to safely use the pump track.

First of all they used Kahoot to assess their knowledge of bicycle safety.

We discussed what a pump track was and it is different from other bicycle tracks. Then we watched a YouTube video which gave us some tips on how to use it safely and made notes. We also discussed what advice we could give to younger children in our school about the pump track.

They then used their notes to create a pump track safety poster for the children in our school.

Watch this space for their final posters!

Celebration Assembly Term 4

On Friday we had our final celebration of the year.

Anna and Holly past pupils from PUSCPS, currently at Broxburn Academy, joined us to tell us about their achievement journey. It was fantastic to hear about all the opportunities that Broxburn Academy gives to children. We are very proud of all Anna and Holly’s achievements, thank you for joining us.

Congratulations to our Top Scorers!

STEM Superstars are those children who have made fantastic progress or achievements in science, technologies or maths.

Awesome Authors are those children who have made fantastic progress or achievements in writing.

Ross Logan our Active schools co-coordinator joined us to give out some medals. First of all to those children who attend our after school clubs, the coaches nominated them for an award.

Secondly he gave medals to our fantastic basketball team for the progress they have made this year.

Jack received Most Valuable Player because of his determination, positive attitude, willingness to work hard and because he has been a great team player. Lauren received Most Improved Player, for being to shoe great basketball skills and a positive attitude towards training. We also presented Mrs Hamilton with a gift for being such an inspiring coach.

IDL is a new literacy programme, some children have been using this session to support learning in literacy. Children who have reached milestones in this received certificates.

We recognised those children who took part in the West Lothian Triathlon.

We presented Eve with an award for her piece of writing which is now representing our cluster at the West Lothian Stellar Awards.

Mrs Montgomery received a West Lothian Leadership Award for completing her Early Years Officer course.

This week was the West Lothian Sumdog Competition. P3, P6 nd P5 ranked in the score board and some of our children ranked within the top 100 out of 2097 children!

Finally the house winner of the term was … Almond! Congratulations! We will organise a house treat for the last week of term.

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