Families Learning Together 3
Repost: Learning & Teaching at PUSCPS Event
A reminder, that we warmly invite you to come along and join us at our learning and teaching evening.
We often hear from our families, what does learning look like at PUSCPS and what are the school’s priorities.
Come along and find out from staff and children in an informal way what we have been focusing on this year!
We will even provide you with a wee tea or coffee. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday evening.
Those parent/ carers with an IDL invite will also be able to attend a workshop on this evening.
Repost: Fair Trade Dress Down Day
A reminder that our February dress down day will on Friday 8th March. We would request that if children chose to take part in the dress down day that they make a donation (usually £1) and this donation will go towards Fairtrade, as it is Fairtrade fortnight. The dress down day is free choice, remembering that  dress is appropriate for school, we would request no football colours (following West Lothian policy) and no midriff tops.
We are aware that this is the P1 Assembly Day but they can also take part in the dress down day.
Learning & Teaching at PUSCPS
Save the Date: Learning & Teaching @ PUSCPS
Primary 2 Friendship Assembly
Club Wild – Spring is in AirÂ
At club wild we have been thinking about the seasons and the warmer, lighter and greener days that spring and summer will bring. In January and February Mother Nature is already leaving us clues telling us that change is on the way.. Spring is coming!
We found the flowers of hazel, alder and birch trees, drooping down in bright yellows. If you look closely you can also see the tiny pink female flowers next to the yellow catkins.
It is always nice to see clumps of snowdrops, the first flowers of the year. Green shoots are emerging everywhere and plants like Blubells shoot up early so they can get maximum light before the trees get their leaves.
Some trees are already showing leaves as they burst from their buds. We found bright purple Elder leaves and furry buds of Willow and Rowan.
Another way we can tell spring is on the way us by listening too and watching the birds. They will be very busy soon building their nests.
PUSCPS’s peep group is open to all our nursery children accompanied by parents, grandparents or carers. We share ideas on how to support our children’s learning and the children spend quality time with their parent/carer enjoying songs, rhymes, listening to stories and craft activities.  Our group meets again tomorrow, Wednesday 13th February at 12.30-1.30 in the library. Please come along and join us!
Safer Internet Day – Parents & Carers Advice
Tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online.
The website is: