October Parent Consultations

As we are unable to have face to face parent consultations in October we have made the following alternative arrangements.

Nursery to Primary 3 parents/ carers will receive a 10 minute phone call from their child’s class teacher. You will be able to book a time slot using the online parent consultation booking system that we have used previously. Details of this will be issued to the main SEEMIS contact early next week. We would request that you stick to the 10 minutes so that staff don’t run over. The call may be from a withheld number so please look out for that.

Primary 4 to 7 will receive an interim report. We are seeking advice as to whether this should be in email form or if a copy can be printed out. These will be issued on 7th October. Any concerns or questions about the report should be emailed to the school before the October holidays.

If your child has an individual education plan (IEP) they will also be issued on 7th October.

Using the two methods will let us evaluate the effectiveness of them in case we have to utilise them again later in the session.

Thank you as always for your support during this ever changing time.

COVID-19 Safety

Our school was recently part of a West Lothian Council Covid-19 safety inspection. In the attached certificate you can see it was recognised that we as a school are doing everything we can to help to try to keep our children and staff safe at this time.
I thought it was important to share this with you as it might relieve any concerns you may have. We also appreciate your support in helping us comply with government regulations and our risk assessments.

School Lunches on 31/08/20

Due to essential repairs taking place in our school kitchen on Monday, children will only be able to order a green tray from the school dinner menu on Monday. Please remember to pre order using iPay. Breakfast Club will be open as usual. Sorry for any inconvenience.

NHS Guidance on Attendance at School

We know that this is a confusing and uncertain time as we learn how to follow the guidance for Covid 19 symptoms and testing. We would request that all families take time to re-read the guidance below, this should support you in deciding your child’s attendance at school. It is important as a whole school community we follow this guidance to keep everyone safe.

The NHS guidance is:

  • Please don’t send your child to school with symptoms which may be coronavirus (a new persistent cough, and/or a high temperature, and/or a loss or change in taste or smell).


  • If your child or anyone in your household has symptoms you should ALL stay at home. Find out how to organise a COVID test on NHS Inform or phone 0800 028 2816. If your child has symptoms but tests negative they can return to school once they have had no symptoms for 48 hours and are feeling better. Please show the teacher the negative test result. This helps monitor cases and keeps the school community safe and reassured.


  • If you return from an area with quarantine restrictions keep your child off school and stay at home for 14 days. A negative COVID test will not shorten quarantine as it doesn’t show if you or your child will develop the virus. Updated travel information is on gov.scot

When you phone our office to report your child’s office we will ask if your child or anyone in the house have symptoms and remind you of the NHS guidance.

Please find attached the information leaflet:

parents and carers letter good practice schools

Please find track and trace information:

Test and Protect Leaflet – August Update

Test And Protect Step By Step Guide – August Update

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