Festive Home Learning: Part 1

On Friday I visited P1S, P4 and P5 and children shared with me their table decorations. They described what they used and explained how they made them. A big thank you to all who took part, they look fantastic! I look forward to visiting more classes this week.


Christmas Singalong

On Friday morning at 9.15am, we will celebrate our Christmas assembly, to which all parents and carers are invited. Pupils from P1-P7 will sing a selection of Christmas songs, which I’m sure you’ll want to join in with, and we will be joined by our chaplain, Mr Povey. We look forward to seeing many of you on Friday at 9.15am.

Remember that, on Friday, children can wear their Christmas jumpers and bring a donation to raise money for the Green Gang.

Craft Club Christmas Post

Friday Parent Craft Club!

We have been having lots of fun trying out some festive crafts and have learned that some things are easier than others.

Here are a few things that we have been working on for the Christmas Fayre on Friday. All the funds that we raise will go back into the school and our club to buy materials.





Primary 2 Read, Write, Count

This week, Primary 2 received their Read, Write, Count bags!

We were very lucky to have Primary 6 come down to our classroom and explore our bags with us. We had two fantastic story books, some finger puppets, a notebook and a game of Snakes and Ladders!


Yesterday, some grown-ups came in to see our bags and try some of the suggested activities. Many thanks to those who came!

We hope you enjoy using your Read, Write, Count bags at home!

Primary 2 & Miss M 🙂

Parents as Partners: P1-3 Gifting

This afternoon families and friends from P1, 2 and 3 joined us to receive their book bags and find out how they could use them at home. The children took part in a range of activities with their families, from writing stories, to crafting, learning to play new games and reading.

For more information click on the links below:

Thank you to everyone who attended the session.

Regional Improvement Collaboratives (RIC)

Over a number of years schools in the Broxburn Cluster and from across West Lothian have been successfully working together within a collaborative culture to ensure best outcomes for all of our children and young people.  As part of the Scottish Government’s priorities on raising attainment, ensuring excellence and equity and closing the poverty related attainment gap, Regional Improvement Collaboratives have been established to support the already existing good practice.  West Lothian is part of the Forth Valley and West Lothian Improvement Collaborative (West Lothian, Falkirk, Stirling and Clackmananshire) and will work together with these local authorities to share good practice and supports in each of the following areas:
  • Performance and Quality Improvement
  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Early Learning and Childcare
  • Leadership of Learning and Professional Learning

By working together we will ensure a greater level of support to schools to ensure best outcomes for all of our children and young people in order that they meet their full potential.  If you have any questions about the Regional Improvement Collaboratives then please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Information on How to Apply for Free School Meals and Milk

Application forms

 pdf icon School Clothing Grant, Free School Meals and Milk Application Form 2017/2018 [188kb](Opens in a new window)

How do I apply?

An application can be downloaded.  Alternatively, one can be obtained from schools or from Council Information Services, Libraries, Jobcentres, Advice Shop (Bathgate) or at the Civic Centre.  All P1-P3 pupils are entitled to free school meals.  Pupils from P4 upwards may also be eligible for free school meals if their parents are in receipt of a qualifying benefit as detailed below.  P1-P7 pupils whose parents meet the criteria below are also entitled to free school milk.

When can I apply?

There is no cut-off date for applying, we can accept applications up to the last school day of the academic year, but please be aware that entitlement cannot be backdated.

How long will my application take to process?

We will aim to process an application within 10 working days from receipt, and provided you receive a qualifying benefit as detailed below, you will be notified, and the school your child/children attend with be notified automatically. Pupils can receive Free School Meals from P1 to S6, but a fresh application must be submitted each academic year.

Who qualifies?

Pupils with parents in receipt of any of the following are entitled to free school meals:

  • Income Support
  • Income-Based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Any Income Related element of Employment & Support Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit (with no working tax credit) and whose annual income is £16,105 or less
  • Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit whose annual income is £6,420 or less
  • Universal Credit where the monthly earned income does not exceed £610

If you are applying using Tax Credits as your qualifying benefit, then you must be able to provide a Tax Credit Award Notice detailing payment starting on 06 April 2017.  A Tax Credit Annual Review can also be accepted, however on page 1 it must read “If you do not have anything to tell us you need do nothing more…”.

If applying using a Jobcentre benefit as described above, then you must provide a benefit letter dated within 3 months of application, or have the form stamped at Jobcentre Plus.

Free School Milk

All pupils of nursery schools and classes, and all pupils at Beatlie, Burnhouse, Cedarbank, Ogilvie School Campus and Pinewood Schools where consumption of the milk is part of the educational programme as agreed with Psychological Services, are entitled to 200ml of milk daily free of charge.

P1-7 pupils whose parents are in receipt of a qualifying benefit must apply for milk using the application form, even if you do not wish to take meals.

Anyone not entitled to Free School Milk, can purchase milk for their child or children through the school who will charge 18p per 200ml.

I want to apply for free school meals for more than one child. Do I need to complete an application form for each child?

No, there is space to apply for free school meals for up to six children on the application form.


Update on Norovirus

A number of schools across Lothian have reported an increase in pupils with vomiting and/or diarrhoea.  The symptoms are suggestive of viral gastroenteritis (also known as norovirus or winter vomiting disease) which is known to be currently circulating in the community.  It is usually a short lived self-limiting illness from which children and adults recover quickly.
Further information about norovirus and its prevention can be found at: https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/norovirus
To minimise the likelihood of developing norovirus we recommend:
·         If your child develops vomiting and/or diarrhoea please ensure they remain off school until they have been symptom free for at least 48 hours.  This advice applies at all times.  So for instance if your child becomes unwell over the weekend they should not attend school on Monday even if by then they feel well.
·         Ensure that all members of your family wash their hands frequently using warm water and liquid soap, especially after using the toilet and before eating or preparing food.
Find out more about norovirus at www.nhsinform.co.uk/norovirus

Is your child due to start school in August 2018?

The time has come for applications for parents/carers of nursery children moving onto P1 in August to complete application forms for places.  Please follow the link below for P1 Pupil Placement application forms.  Remember that all forms are to be completed online this year, unless you request a paper copy.  Applications must be submitted by 31st December 2017, even if your child is eligible for a deferral (Jan/Feb Birthday).  Deferrals will be looked at after Christmas.

Please let us know if you need any support with completing applications.


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