We had a fantastic turn out for our third Families Learning Together session last week. Families joined their children so they could share their learning in their jotters so far this term. They also had the opportunities to give two stars and a wish about their learning. Thank you to everyone who made it along.
Thank you to our P7 Young Leaders who helped out at this event.
Tickets for our Spring fundraiser are now on sale from the school office.
Everyone is welcome to the PUSCPS Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, though all children will need to be accompanied by an adult as it is an after school event.
Children can wear fancy dress to school on the day and some can be made at the craft tables.
Tickets are priced at £3, with two tickets for £5 and three for £7. The afternoon tea and crafts are included in this price. Along the bottom of the tickets there are 6 tokens which can be spent at the various activities and games throughout the afternoon. There will also be a raffle and stalls where purchases can be made.
If anyone can support the event on the day can they please email our Parent Partners:Â puscps.ps@gmail.com
We will also request that people send in some home baking for the event, if you do hand in home baking can you please include an ingredients list.
On Wednesday 13th March we invited our families to come and share our STEM Learning with us. They joined in lots of different activities with their children, you can see some the learning opportunities below.
Now that Spring is here we have noticed that the birds are busy, ready to build nests for this year’s families. For the last few weeks Club Wild have been working on our bird boxes to give the birds a helping hand.
We talked about why its important to put up bird nesting boxes with fewer suitable trees, shrubs and buildings and more human landscaped areas.
We had two different types of bird boxes, one with a small hole for the little birds like sparrows, blue tits and great tits and one with a large open hole for birds like robins. In the wild robins would build open nests. The robin nest boxes needed to be placed between 1-2m above the ground while the small birds nest boxes between 2-4m. We chose a small area of mixed trees and made sure that our nest boxes were well hidden and not accessible to predators. They also needed to be placed facing a northerly direction to provide shelter from the prevailing wind.
After putting up the bird boxes we gave them an extra help by making some nesting bundles. Here we used dried grass, feathers, moss, wool and some pet fur tied up in branches so the birds could help themselves to nesting materials.
We hope that some families will move in and lay eggs so that we can watch and learn about our nesting birds.
A big thank you to all our parents and Carers  who were able to make it to our Pop in and Play session today.  It was so good to see so many people that the children can share their play and learning with. The children enjoy showing people what they can do and this gives them a sense of ownership in the nursery. The children are proud of their achievements and Pop in and Play is an excellent way to let them show what they enjoy and can do.
Parents had fun playing dominoes, building large structures with the large and small bricks, playing in the house corner, building the train track and spending fun  time with their children.
On Tuesday night children and staff organised information workshops about our priorities in school this year. Thank you to our staff and children who organised the event and to those families who joined us.
On Wednesday night, our five finalists from our Burns Assembly joined other children from schools across West Lothian  to compete in the recital competition.Â
Our children did a fantastic job of representing their classes at the competition, a big well done to them all and their families for joining them at the competition.
A special congratulations to Jacob who came runner up in the P1-3 section.
We recognised this achievement at assembly on Friday.