Term 3 Celebration Assembly

We welcomed along Dr Peter Hughes (OBE) to our Celebration Assembly this morning to share with us his achievement journey. As the past President of the Robert Burns World Federation and former Chief Executive of Scottish Engineering he had lots of stories to share. His enthusiasm and passion for all things engineering was inspiring and he reminded us to work hard and never give up. he even played some instruments and sang for us as well! Thank you very much to Dr Hughes for joining us!


Congratulations to our Top Scorers for Term 3!


Congratulations to the children who received a STEM Superstar Award for their learning in Maths, Technologies, Engineering and/ or Science.

Congratulations to the children who received an Awesome Author Award for their learning in writing.

We recognised the children who represented the school in the recent P6 Euro Quiz.

We recognised the children who represented the school in the recent P7 Rotary Quiz.


Our Primary 6s who took part in skiing received a certificate in recognition of all their perseverance and efforts.

Primary 6 came 59th and Primary 7 came 40th out of 152 schools in the recent West Lothian Sumdog Competition.

We recognised our children who took part in the west Lothian Burns Competition, and their certificate arrived just after the assembly!

All the children in Primary 7 who went to Dalguise received a certificate, and some were nominated by the staff for a special award. The staff were also nominated for awards!


All the children in Primary 5 who went to Lendrick Muir received a certificate, and some were nominated by the staff for a special award. The staff were also nominated for awards!

Congratulations to Calder for being the winning house this term and receiving the most house points! Well done.

P6 and P7 Helpers @ Parent Consultations

It has been lovely catching up with parents and carers at our parent consultations this week. There was a great buzz across the school and lots of learning conversations.

A big thank you to our Primary 6 and 7 helpers for keeping the consultations running smoothly. We really appreciate them giving up their time to help us.

The book fair will be in school until Tuesday if you still would like to purchase a  book. A percentage of profits made will enable the school to purchase new books.

One of our P7s even decided to make their own movie!

Term 3: Celebration Assembly

On Friday 29th March at 9:10am, we wll have our Term 3 Celebration Assembly. Those children who are receiving our STEM Superstar and Awesome Author awards have received an invite.

We will also be recognising:

  • P7 Camp
  • P7 Rotary Quiz
  • P6 Euro Quiz
  • P6 Skiiing
  • P5 Camp
  • Class Sumdog Awards
  • Burns Competition Entries

Dr Peter Hughes, the previous Chief Executive of Scottish Engineering and previous President of The Robert Burns World Federation will be joining us to share his success story.

Please feel free to come along and help us celebrate!

Fraser Park Pump Track

You will be aware that the West Lothian Council Pump Track is now open. Although it is close to the school it is not part of our school property and is part of a public park.

At assembly on Friday I explained to the children that they should:

  • wear protective gear when using the track including a helmet
  • ask permission from their parent/ carer before using the track
  • be coming straight to school in the mornings as their parent/ carer will be expecting them to go to breakfast club/ supervised playground.

As a school we will:

  • use our junior leadership groups to make an advice video about how to safely use the track
  • continue to work with the community council into how we can use the track
  • look into partnerships with organisations who can support the school and community with developing the children’s pump track skills on how to use it safely.
  • give P4-7 the opportunity to walk around the pump track in their trainers so they can get a feel for what it is like
  • go over the safety sign with P4-7 children.

Some tips on using the track are:

  • Follow the safety rules on the sign that is positioned beside the track
  • Encourage your children to walk or run around the track in their trainers before they take their scooter or bike anywhere near it. This is something that expert mountain-bikers do when they try out a new route, so they know what features are there, how it feels to be on the track, where any riskier or more challenging elements are and to make sure they are prepared for it.
  • Children should also be very comfortable and confident with how to control their speed on their wheeled ‘vehicle’, beforethey try out the track. It is not a good idea to try out a new bike/scooter/skateboard/skates on the track. It is best to wait until they have been tried out elsewhere and then use the track.
  • If children really want to use the track but are not very confident, they can start at one of the low points on the track, rather than at the official starting area up high, and stay low on the track (i.e. do not go too high up on the corners). That way they can get a feel for the track without starting off at speed and they will not generate quite so much speed as they go round. It does mean that they will have to pedal, but as they get more confident, they can start higher up and pedal less.

This is an exciting opportunity for our community, however it is important to me that the safety of our children comes first.

Miss Burton

The Cost of the Nursery Day

We want to make sure that all children are able to make the most of the nursery day and that no child misses out on anything. Your answers to this survey will help us check whether any costs are causing concerns for our families and children and see whether there is anything that we can do to help out. Your voice is really important and we want to hear from as many parents and carers as possible. If you would like a paper copy of this survey to complete please ask staff at your child’s nursery or early years centre.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

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