Primary 1 – Marvellous Me

Some of the boys and girls in P1 took the Marvellous Me boxes home last week for the first time this year. After filling the boxes with items that were special to them, they gave a presentation about what they had brought in and why. Well done to everyone last Friday and we can’t wait to see what’s inside this weeks boxes!


Families Learning Together 4

On Thursday we had our fourth Families Learning Together session of the year. Family members joined their child to look at their learning progress in their jotters. Thank you to everyone who came along.

We also used this opportunity to engage families on self evaluating our school improvement plan.

Our nursery also had a Pop in and Play session and we had a fantastic turn out! Thanks to everyone who joined us.

Sharing Our Digital Learning

As part of Digital Learning Week we invited our families to join us for some digital learning. Thank you to everyone who came along and joined us.

P2 taught their families how to use the green screen.



Nursery Digital week and Pop in and Play

This week at nursery it has been Digital Week

“I was seeing what everyone was doing. I like using the computer and the iPad” Lucy.

During digital week the children have been taking turns to use the iPad to record their learning. The children have had fun using the  iPad’s, the laptop, Smartboard and the light board.

Pop in and Play

It was lovely again to share our learning with our friends and family this week. We have had mum and dads, Grans and sister and brothers come into our nursery to visit us this week.

We even had 2 new children join the nursery for our story about Kipper


This letter will be sent out to P1-7 families today.

iPayimpact was brought into West Lothian Council a few years ago to make it easier for parents/ carers to pay for school related payments as a more efficient way for office staff to handle money.

We still have a number of families who do not use this service. From August 2019, we require all families to use iPayimpact to pay for lunch, milk, residentials, nursery snack and any trips over £5. This is due to a reduction in the hours in the office, meaning we have less time to handle money therefore we need to take advantage of this service provided by the council.

If you do not use iPayimpact or have lost your log in can you please fill out the form below so we can issue you with a new log in. If you need some advice on how to use iPayimpact can you please tick the box below and Mrs Birrell will arrange a time for you to pop in or a phone call for support. If you currently use iPayimpact you do not need to complete the form below.

We appreciate your support with this.

The text from the original letter about iPayimpact is below.

We have now introduced a more convenient way to order and pay for primary school meals, trips, activities and other significant school purchases, using a secure internet service called iPayimpact.

You can pay your nursery child’s snack money for the term online.  You can order your primary child’s meal for the day/weeks online and pay your meal and milk accounts and other activities directly instead of sending cash to school in your child’s pocket.  You can put lump sums on your child’s meal account and as meals are taken it will be reduced by the cost of a meal each time so you don’t have to log on each day to make payment.

iPayimpact offers you the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – safe in the knowledge that the technology used is of the highest internet security available.

You will have a secure online account, creating your own unique username and password; with a secure activation via your email address.  Once activated, you should keep your username and password safe and secure.  Making a payment is straightforward and iPayimpact holds a payment history for you to view at any time; no card details are stored in any part of the system. Once you’ve activated your account you can make online payments straight away.

If you have more than one child at the same school or children at different schools in West Lothian, you will be able to connect all the children to your unique username and password and be able to make payments for all purchases in one single transaction.  You may have already opened an account if you have a child at secondary school.  (All secondary schools have been ‘live’ since February and all primary schools will be ‘going live’ during April/May).

I hope you will support us in achieving our goal to become a cashless school. Introducing this system provides you with the convenience of being able to pay at home whilst also removing potential risks to your children from carrying cash.

Election Day Opening Arrangements

As you are aware Thursday 23rd May is the European Parliamentary election. Our school dinner hall is a voting station but our school and nursery will be open as normal.

Children attending Breakfast Club should enter through the main office and go into the gym hall.

School lunches that day will be green tray only (packed lunch) or children can bring their own packed lunch to school.

Sun Cream

As we are lucky to currently have such beautiful weather can we please offer you a few gentle reminders about sun cream:

  • Parents/ carers should apply sun cream before their child arrives at school.
  • Parents/ carers should provide their own sun cream for each child clearly labelled with their name and class. Children can then apply this cream during the day if required.

Long may the sunshine continue!

Basketball Pizza Party Celebration

Our basketball team recently won the White B Conference as part of the West Lothian Wolves Primary School league.

Our basketball team was a new addition to the school this year. These children give up their lunch times, after school and Friday afternoons to train and attend league games.

We are very proud of their perseverance, determination and grit in order to win their league.

To recognise this huge achievement, today we treated them to a pizza party! They enjoyed pizza, team chat and watching some NBA games.

A big thank you to their Coach, Mrs Hamilton who has been an inspirational and motivational coach for our team, and also to the children’s families for supporting them by taking them to the games.

Best of luck for your games on Friday!

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