Primary 5 and 7 families please check school bags for payments letters and kit lists about school camps.
We will have an information session about the camps for families in January.
Pumpherston and Uphall Station CPS Blog
A place for news, information and sharing learning from PUSCPS
Primary 5 and 7 families please check school bags for payments letters and kit lists about school camps.
We will have an information session about the camps for families in January.
Last term staff and children evaluated current approaches to managing positive relationships at PUSCPS. We also took part in career long professional along with our cluster using research from Paul Dix’s book, When the adults change everything changes.
Using our evaluation and research we have now came up with a consistent approach, which is shared below. We will also explain this further at our Visit Our Class workshops (watch this space!).
Our approaches are based on reinforcing positive choices, using restorative approaches and helping to support children be responsible for their choices. We wanted our corrective actions to be immediate to give children time out to think about their consequences rather than waiting until the end of a day or a week. We also wanted 30 minutes of together time to be available each week for all children, as this is an important part of their social development with peers.
We hope you find the information below useful, and if you have any questions we look forward to answering them at Visit My Class.
Below is also information about our playground.
We hope that you are all enjoying your holidays!
We have missed you all and are excited about welcoming you back next week. Your teachers have been busy setting up your new classroom and planning exciting getting to know you activities for the first two week of term.
Wednesday 21st AugustÂ
Primary 1
Thursday 22nd August
Normal routines resume
Advice from NHS Lothian:
Each year we see an increase in asthma attacks in children when they return to school which often result in admission to hospital. Check out our top tips to try and avoid this happening.
 Remember, asthma attacks are serious and you need to get help day or night if your child is not responding to their blue inhaler.
Last week judges from West Lothian Council visited our school to judge our school garden for the Primary School Gardening Competition.
We are delighted to announce that we received TWO awards!
This is a huge achievement for our school, and a tribute to the work of Sarah-Jane and our gardening club, a big thank you to them. Well done!
A huge thank you to Mrs Irvine-Holliday for taking photos at us entering our P7 Celebration Disco, we really appreciate your time and expertise.
We danced the night away at our Celebration Disco! The DJ played games and had us all dancing, he even had a foam machine and glow bracelets for us all.
Our Parent Partners created some Hawaiian themed treats and delivered our pizzas for us, a big thank you to them and to parents who donated some treats! Thank you to Uphall Station Gala Day for making a contribution towards the pizzas.
Surprise! Our surprise was an ice cream van and the response was, ‘But MIss Burton we have no money!’. Thank you to Pumpherston Community Council for paying for our ice creams and slushes. We loved this special treat.
We even had a Hawaiian themed cake! Thank you so much to Mrs Andison for baking it for us.
A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to organising our P7 Celebration Disco and to our teachers for coming along to celebrate with us.
Wow! Today we joined together to celebrate Primary 7s time at PUSCPS. The whole school joined together, along with their families and invited guests, including staff who previously worked at PUSCPS.
Primary 1 sang a buddy song to Primary 7 to thank them for being such supportive buddies. It was a lovely surprise!
In the style of Through the Keyhole, two teams had to use clues to guess the school year, the Primary 7s used memories, interesting facts about school and music as clues.
Primary 7 sang some songs, including this is me, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house!
Miss Burton gave a speech, reminding us that our memories are our greatest treasure and surprised us with a video of our Primary 7 journey.
Mrs Andison shared a lovely poem and said some lovely words about our PUSCPS Journey. Mrs McConville thanked people who helped us along the way.
We had a huge surprise in store for the Primary 7 children and our whole school … A staff video!
You can tell by the photos that everyone was very surprised and found it very funny!
The school sang As We Go Now to our Primary 7s to wish them well.
Our Primary 7s shared their hopes for the future and what jobs they would like to be in the future.
We presented our Primary 7 children, with a certificate, their Year Book, tablet, a dictionary and their high school tie. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to Parent Partner fundraising so we could gift these items to the children.
It was lovely that so many of our Primary 7 families could join us to celebrate.
A huge good luck to our Class of 2019 and we wish them well on their future adventures!
Today our nursery children shared some of their favourite songs with us and even danced! We also presented our pre-school children with a scroll and a gift to wish them on their way to Primary 1!
Thank you to all our families who joined us for our assembly and to the nursery staff for organising it.