Festive Home Learning Task

Our House and Vice Captains have had the difficult task of selecting the winners for our Christmas card home learning task. The winners will be revealed at assembly on Friday. A huge well done to everyone who submitted an entry, it was very difficult to select a winner.

Pumphie Pals: House Chant

Our House and Vice Captains have created a house chant to say at assembly when they win the house points for the week, or term. They used our new green screen to record the videos and taught them to their Pumphie Pals group.




At Pumphie Pals we had a Santa Holiday Challenge:

  • In January, Santa is going on his holidays to a sunny desert island.
  • What 7 things would Santa take with him? Draw these in the suitcase.


Supporting Our Magale Partner School

In October, the Cromie’s went to visit our partner school in Magale. During their trip they were able to see the benefits of the money we as a school have raised to support the children at school in Magale.

They also exchanged some penpal letters our children wrote to them, and the children at the school replied to the letters.

Recently they sent out 3 million Ugandan Shillings, which is the equivalent of £630. This is an amazing donation from our community, thank you to our Global Gang who have organised our fundraising and to  everyone who has contributed.

Here are some photos of the children using some resources they have purchased – slates, chalk and supplementary reading books.

Pumphie Pals: Digital Learning

Today at Pumphie Pals we discussed four different questions:

  • What is technology?
  • How do we use technology at school?
  • How do we use technology at home?
  • What other ways could we use technology to help us learn?

Our Digital Directors will use this information to help their Junior Leadership Team.


Today the JRSO junior leadership went for a walk to identify safe and unsafe places to park your car.

They made a video from the school gate to the football ground car park,  to show that it is a safe place to park and then walk to school.


The group also took photos of areas around the school car park which is an unsafe to park.


Almond Pyjama Party

As Almond received the most house points this term they organised a Pyjama Party to celebrate their success.

Jack and Lauren organised a range of party games, dancing and a shopping list of party food.

Congratulations to Almond on their success and to the P7s in Almond for organising and running the party.

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