Show racism the red card.

This week, Primary 5 have been learning about racism and the serious impact it has on victims and their families. We read about the sickening story of Antony Walker and were shocked to find out how he was treated. We wrote letters to his family to share how their story made us feel and our hopes for the future. We hope that all people learn about the impact of their actions and how dangerous and upsetting racism can be.

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P6 Classroom Learning Update

Today in class we have been learning about Hinduism. We explored the festival of Diwali to find out more about how Hindu’s celebrate, why they celebrate and create our very own Diva Lamps.

We will wait for them to dry overnight and then we will decorate them tomorrow.

Nalan was our expert today, showing us examples of real Diva Lamps alongside giving us tips on how to create our own.

P1 blog

This week we have been learning about Easter. We made our own books about the Easter story and made Easter cards with a symmetrical egg design on the front.

One of our P1 friends is moving to a new school after the holidays, so we decided to have a leaving party for him. We made Easter hats for the party and enjoyed party food and dancing to our favourite music.


Primary 6 Weekly Blog Post

Good afternoon,

This week in Primary 6 we have been learning about the festival of Hanukkah with Mrs McConville. We created a Menorah handprint to represent the eight-day Jewish holiday of Hanukkah.

Today, Ola took on the role of the class teacher where she was sharing her knowledge of the Polish language. She taught us how to say the alphabet alongside some basic greetings. We loved having her as our modern languages teacher!

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In Literacy, we spent time planning and writing a persuasive letter in support of refugees. We are looking to draft these into a letter format and send them to Boris Johnson to see if he can provide more support for refugees coming over to the UK.

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Have a lovely weekend!

Primary 6 and Miss Walkingshaw

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