P1 Book Pen Pals

P1 and P2/1 had some very exciting mail this week.  We received our first postcard from our new Book Penpal, Sophie Ambrose!  We loved reading about Albie, the warthog in her book ‘Bedtime for Albie.  We even had a shot of becoming illustrators by drawing Albie. We hope you like our pictures.  We will write you a postcard soon next week.


Book Week Scotland Dress Down

A gentle reminder that children can come to school dressed as a book character for Book Week Scotland on Friday 20th November (tomorrow). If they would not like to take part in this event, we would request they wear school uniform as normal. There is no donation for this event.

How do we teach writing?

In this video, one of our Literacy Champions, Miss McLaughlin, explains how we use a resource called PM Writing to support with the teaching of writing. All classes across the school use this process to ensure consistency and progression in learning.

West Lothian Sumdog Contest Starts Today!

Sumdog’s West Lothian Maths Contest is here! It finishes at 8pm on Thursday 19th November.Here are some things to keep in mind during the contest:

  • Students can play at any time.
  • For the score to count, the West Lothian Maths Contest activity must be showing in the green panel on the left of the student’s screen when they click to start each game.
  • Their scores are based on correct answers.
  • A class’s score is the average of the scores from all students from that class who take part.
  • To appear on the leaderboard, at least 10 students from a class need to play.

We still need a few more players in each class to join the leaderboard!

P5 Fairy Creation

As part of their book focus the children are going to create their own fairy to take part in the Artemis Fowl book ‘Time to Believe’ which we are reading for their class novel.

LI: To develop our art skills

SC: I can…. draw in detail

I can…. experiment with colour

I can….. label correctly

The children were to draw a detailed picture of the fairy they would like to create. They were to experiment with a range of colours in their drawing to help to bring out their fairies features. Then they were to label their fairy to show what resources they would need to create a 3d model of their fairy.

Primary 7 Investigate Children in Need

We started with a general knowledge quiz, using one of our favourite apps – Kahoot!


Primary 7 decided if they wanted to work on their own, with a partner or in a small group. They also decided if they wanted to do a digital or paper presentation. They used a range of different devices to support their learning and presentation.

They researched by using links on their class team and searching Google to find the answers to the key questions.

They used their class Team to share their finished presentations – some are still a work in progress!


Here are some of the finished presentations:




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