P6: Developing our writing skills

We are learning to use similes and alliteration when setting the scene.

Success criteria:

I can…. use ambitious vocabulary

I can…. use similes

I can…. use alliteration

I can…. use ambitious connectives.

First we looked at a variety of poems to see if we could see examples of similes and alliteration. Then we wrote our own examples of similes and alliteration. Then we applied these skills in our writing by setting the scene to our story about the beach.

Primary 2 Safer Internet Week

Learning intention – To learn more about how to be safe on the internet.

Description of learning activities – We talked about what we would do if we felt unsafe or uncomfortable online. We watched a clip from the Safer Internet website about what to do if we felt stressed or worried about using technology. We learned how to log in on school netbooks with a password and how to open and close apps. We learned what some of the apps on the netbooks were and began using the keyboard to type our names.

Assessment – I can begin to use school technologies safely and appropriately.

I understand why it is important to behave responsibly online.

I can talk about how to stay safe online.

Learning at home – We could go home and practise using apps, opening and closing them. We need to be careful at home in case we feel uncomfortable online and know to tell a grown-up if we are worried. We will be careful about which apps we will use at home and close any videos that are inappropriate. We know not to add or follow anyone we don’t know and not to give details out.

Celebrating Scotland and Burns!

AM and PM nursery classes celebrated Scotland and Burns last week. We sang Scottish songs and poems and talked about what we knew about Scotland. We looked together at Scottish items and photographs. On Burn’s Day we had a Burns supper for snack and the children had the opportunity to taste haggis, neeps and tatties and dance to Scottish music.

AM scots video 002

AM scots video 002

Primary 2

What were we learning?

To learn and perform a Scots’ poem.

What did we do?

For Scots’ week, Primary 2 had to learn one of two poems (‘Dentist’ by JK Annand or ‘Mrs Yule’ by Ally Christie). Miss McLaughlin gave us our poems for homework and we practised them with our grown-ups (thank you for taking the time).

What were our steps to success?

  • We had to look at our audience, or straight ahead.
  • We had to use a clear voice and make sure we had good volume.
  • We also had to make sure we used a good speed.
  • We had to try to use expression when performing.
  • We had to be a quality audience too!

Well done to our poetry performers who wowed us at today’s Scots’ assembly. We are very proud of you!


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