P4 Daily Mile Madness!

The aim of The Daily Mile is to improve the physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of our children.

Its impact can be transformational – improving not only the children’s fitness, but also their concentration levels, mood, behaviour and general wellbeing.

The Daily Mile is a social activity, wherein the children run or jog – at their own pace – in the fresh air with friends. Children can occasionally walk to catch their breath, if necessary, but should aim to run or jog for the full 15 minutes.

Primary 4 had great fun running our daily mile yesterday!



P7 Lunchtime Problem Solving

As the sun shone on us today at lunch time Primary 7 decided to use the logs to create their own game. They had to risk assess which logs were safe to stand on and tested out the log path to ensure it was safe to leep across. Then they decided on rules on how to play the game in a fair way. They had lots of fun and Miss Burton even had a go too (with some support!), everyone who joined in managed to earn themselves a dojo! Well done P7!

Assembly – Celebrating Our Uniqueness

Today at assembly we celebrated how we are all unique and that we should respect everyone for their uniqueness. We watched a video which made us think about we accept others for who they are.

Congratulations to Primary 3, who have completed their Fun Start Sessions with Broxburn United, and a big thank you to the team there for delivering the sessions.

A big well done to all our children this week who have been Living Our Values.

The House Points for the term so far are …

Scottish Book Trust Bookbug visits nursery


The nursery children enjoyed their ‘Bookbug’ day yesterday.  They sang songs, played a singing game and Mrs Dickie read them a story.  Afterwards the children had a special visitor from the Scottish Book Trust – Bookbug himself came to visit.  The children then received their book bug bags to take home and enjoy reading with an adult.

Reading Home Learning Task

World Book Week: 26th February – 2nd March

Reading Challenge

To celebrate World Book Week we are asking pupils to take a photo of themselves reading for pleasure in an usual place. To share your photo you can:

  • Tweet us your photo to @PUSCPS
  • Take a copy of their photo into their class

These photos will be displayed at our Book Week Assembly.

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