Primary 3 Weekly Update

This week in Primary 3 we have been very busy.

Numeracy – We have been continuing to develop our knowledge of how to skip count in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s up to and beyond 100. We have been looking for patterns when skip counting, using a 100 square to help us.

Literacy – Miss Walkingshaw modelled a lesson on how to create a narrative piece of writing. The story was called ‘The day where everything was backwards’. We loved helping her create this piece of writing and can’t wait to write our very own narrative stories next week.

Music – This week we have been practising our songs for the Nativity and learning about ‘pulse’ using our new resource – Charanga. We loved finding the pulse in different pieces of music and completed the GOLD level!

Well Done Medal Card by Katie Phythian from The Dotty House


Our focus for next week is to work on our manners and being a kind friend.

P3 Weekly Update

This week we have been developing our knowledge of how to use a 100 square. We wanted to learn how to use this properly as we realised that this would help us with a lot of our learning.

We also completed our second week of Fun Fitness Friday with James from Broxburn Athletic FC where we built on our knowledge of positive mental health and found out more about the importance of water.


P6 Weekly Update

We have been learning what makes an effective summariser and predictor using our class novel to help us with this. We created a summary bubble and a prediction arrow.


We have been learning about the Circulatory system. We have been learning about how the system works and the role in which this plays in our human body. We investigated the heart and highlighted the importance of this in our body.

In Numeracy this week, we have been reinforcing our knowledge of division. We used the outdoor area to show off our knowledge and understanding.

We have been focusing on FRIENDSHIPS this week in HWB. We have discussed what is required to be a friend, what actions are expected in a friendship and the roles in which people can play as part of this.

P6 Weekly Update

Hello everyone,

Another busy week, so here is what we have been up to.

Literacy – We started the week by revisiting imperative verbs and recapping our knowledge of this through interactive stations. World Book Day 2022 was yesterday, where we were able to share our love of literacy and reading with the whole school and our class. We were given the opportunity to read for enjoyment, share our favourite stories with friends and show off our creativity. We were set a drawing challenge where we were asked to draw our favourite character from from a book of our choosing.

Numeracy – We have been focusing on squared numbers where we used our knowledge of multiplication to help us.

Maths – We have been developing our knowledge of information handling. We will be looking to develop this further over the coming weeks.

IDL/Topic – As part of our Human Body Systems topic, we have now moved on to investigate the purpose of the digestion system. This week we looked at the organs involved in this and will be looking into this further next week.

PE – We participated in a class Handball tournament, where we were asked to work collaboratively as a team, use positive language and bring together the skills we had learnt over previous weeks. We did a great job!

We also had pancakes on Tuesday for Shrove Tuesday! They were delicious!!

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Walkingshaw and Primary 6

P6 Weekly Update

Hi everyone,

During our short week back to school after the holidays,  we have completed lots of fun and engaging learning activities.

Literacy: We have been working on our ability to read for information through our use of skimming and scanning techniques. We looked further into how to summarise information from a chapter in our class novel, where we focused on picking key phrases/words from the text to show our understanding.

Numeracy: We have been developing our knowledge of multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. Mrs McConville began teaching us about perimeter and area this week.

Topic/IDL: We continued our topic of the Human Body – Body Systems where we looked further into the Skeletal system. We identified the key facts surrounding the Skeletal system and completed a task where we had to work collaboratively to name all of the bones in the body (this was tricky!).

Health and Wellbeing: We looked into gender stereotypes and ensuring that everyone is treated fairly and equally. We had many class discussions where we were able to listen to the opinion of others and express our own opinions.

Have a lovely weekend!

Primary 6 Weekly Update

This week we completed our Scottish Contexts topic. We recited our Scottish poems in front of our peers, where two winners were chosen to perform in front of the whole school. We all did a great job and are so proud of our representatives!

In Numeracy, we have been working on adding and subtracting decimals using mental calculations and column sums/chimney sums/formal written method. We have grown in confidence in this across the week, where we were then able to answer and create our own word problem examples for our peers.

We began our new topic for the remainder of the term, where we will investigate Body Systems. We began this through sharing what we know as a whole class and coming up with questions we wanted to investigate across the coming weeks.

In Health and Wellbeing,  we looked into what a friendship and/or a relationship is, what makes us a good friend and how to maintain each of these. We collectively created a ‘P6 Friendship Soup’ which incorporated all of our ideas for maintaining positive relationships and friendships. This is now on display in our classroom as a daily reminder.

Have a lovely weekend!

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