Primary 7 Learning

In Maths we have been learning to use our tables to help solve a variety of different problems.  During Maths week we started problem solving using different strategies and we are continuing some problem solving every week.  We are currently using fractions in problems.  We found the fraction problems a challenge so we are practising simplifying fractions and equivalent fractions.

In Writing we have been learning how to write a diary entry and have linked this to our topic about WW2.  We are writing a diary entry for a child who was evacuated during the war.  We looked at common features of diary entries and used these as our success criteria.  Hopefully you will enjoy reading them at parents night.

Primary 3 Number Homework

Miss McLaughlin has set each Number group their very own Sumdog  challenge. This will consolidate the concepts we will be learning in Number work over the next two weeks. The challenge will be live from 9.00 tomorrow morning and end at 12.30 on Friday 12th October.

Children should try to access their challenge at home by logging in and clicking on the ‘Challenge’ button at the left-hand side of the screen. This will automatically change the focus of the games to the concepts we are practising.

Please don’t worry if you cannot access Sumdog from home – there will also be time given in class to play.

Complete the challenge and earn 400 coins!

Good luck!

Miss M 🙂

Primary 6

As part of our Jacobites topic, Primary 6 have been learning about the equipment used by a Jacobite soldier in battle. We used our research skills to find information online and then worked in pairs to create a poster with drawings and facts about the items we had found.

We were surprised to find out that a Jacobite’s Claymore sword would have been almost 5 feet long!

Our next step is to design and create a model of a Jacobite shield or targe.

In Maths this week, we have been learning how to tell the time. We have been looking at how to convert between digital and analogue times and between 12 hour and 24 hour times.

Primary 3 – Maths Week Scotland

What were we learning?

To tell the time using ‘quarter to’ and ‘quarter past’.

How would we know if we were successful?

  • We would be able to show times on both analogue and digital clocks.
  • We would link ‘quarter past’ to ’15 minutes past’.
  • We would link ‘quarter to’ to ’45 minutes past’.

What did we do?

  • We used clock fractions to see that a quarter of an hour was 15 minutes long and that three quarters of an hour was 45 minutes long.
  • We used class clocks to show where the minute and hour hands should be placed.
  • We wrote times using ‘minutes past’.
  • We did a matching challenge with mixed times to see if we could recognise ‘quarter past’ and ‘quarter to’ times.
  • We completed challenges on Sumdog.

Miss McLaughlin will soon send home a record of what we have been learning. We can use this to work at home on something that we find tricky or as a checklist to show if we demonstrate our learning at home.

We are also beginning to use our knowledge of time and number to build up a timeline of important Victorian dates.

Until next time…
Primary 3 & Miss M 🙂

Maths Week Scotland Assembly

Today we had an assembly to share our learning during Maths Week Scotland.

Mr Sneddon joined us from Virtue Money to  share with us the importance of Maths and Numeracy in every day life and for our future career paths. Virtue Money donated a free piggy bank and key ring to all our children to remind us why it is important to safe our money. A big thank you to Mr Sneddon for supporting us with our Developing the Young Workforce learning.

Our classes shared with us their learning during Maths Week which was all connected to their Interdisciplinary context for learning.

Congratulations to our Sum dog Champions for their achievements in the Maths Week Scotland Competition.

Class winners:

  • P1: JJ
  • P2C: Jacob
  • P2S: Lewis
  • P3: Caitlin
  • P4: Kieron
  • P5: Jessica
  • P6: Amen
  • P7: Lucas

Congratulations to P7 who were the winning class, they came 377th out of 3556 classes across Scotland.

The following children relieved a certificate for completing all 1000 questions in the competition:

  • P6: Amen
  • P7: Lucas
  • P7: Ceira
  • P7: Jack

Amen came first in the school and 320th out of 78624 children across Scotland. Lucas came second school and 323rd out of 78624 children across Scotland.

Congratulations to our Living our Values this children this week.

Money with P2C

For Maths week Scotland P2C have been looking at money.
We have been identifying and describing different coins and then putting them in order from lowest value to highest.

We have also begun to add money and are working towards using money connected to our Circus topic.

Maths Week in P5

LI: Large numbers


I can… say large numbers

I can…. name the places of place value up to 6 digits

I can…. sequence numbers

This week for maths week we have been playing a variety of games to help us work with large numbers. We played ‘Biggest Roller’ where we used the dice to roll 6 digit numbers. We also played ‘Sequencing Numbers’ where we had 5 4digit numbers and we had to order them from the smallest number to the largest number. We used the dice to play’ Roll and Stick’ where we rolled three digit numbers. Then we had to name the correct place value for each of the numbers, then we added the numbers so we could practice carrying correctly. We applied these skills in our topic when we sequenced large numbers on a timeline to life in a Burgh in the 16th Century.


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