Creative Music Making

Primary 6 and 7 ended their Creative Music Making workshops by attending a concert at Howden Park Centre. Olly, Owen and friends entertained us with their musical talents and some of our children joined them on stage.

Thank you to Olly and Owen for this opportunity.

P4 National Youth Choir of Scotland (NYCOS)

Success criteria:

I can sing with others keeping in time and in pitch.

I can listen to more complex rhythms and copy them conveying my thoughts e.g. clapping, tapping on my body.

Primary 4 have been very lucky to have lessons with Miss Geoghegan from The National Youth Choir of Scotland (NYCOS). Miss Geoghan has been using songs and games to teach the children about time, pitch and rhythm. This is helping the children to develop their skills and confidence in performing in an active and fun environment. The children have been very keen to take part in the songs and games and are looking forward to their next lesson.

Fun and games with Miss Geoghegan.







Listening carefully to guess who is singing!



Harry Potter Lunch Time Club

Some of our P5 children had an idea to run a Harry Potter Lunch Time Club. They made a plan of what they would do, collected the resources they needed and made up a register.

This week the focus was on creating a wand and everyone who came along said they really enjoyed it and are looking forward to the next session.

Primary 7 – Rookie Rockstars

Learning Intention:

To participate in whole school presentations and performances.

Success Criteria:

I can listen and respond appropriately to instructions and directions.

This week we have participated in ‘Rookie Rockstars’. We have learned songs about important topics such as bullying, being yourself, not discriminating, never giving up, forgiveness and respecting one another. Glynn and Chloe taught us the words and actions and included some fun challenges for staff and pupils. We recorded our songs and are looking forward to going to the concert next week.

“Very inspiring” – Ella

“The best week ever” – Hallie

“A fun way to learn about bullying” – Jessica

“Extremely fun” – Katie

“Important messages and teamwork” – Lewis

“Lots of fun and crazy dance moves” – Ewen

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