Book Week Scotland @ PUSCPS Nursery
Book Week Scotland @ PUSCPS
Primary 2S – Book Study
As part of our book study, Primary 2S are enjoying reading The Twits by Roald Dahl. Mr and Mrs Twit hate everything — except playing mean pranks on each other!  This week we have written about our own prank that we would like to play on Mr or Mrs Twit and made our own worm spaghetti, just like Mrs Twit gave to her husband for his dinner. No worms were harmed in our worm spaghetti though – we used clay!
Primary 4 Poetry
The book we have been studying is George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. The children have explored the techniques used by Roald Dahl in poetry and compared them to William Shakespeare. They then used tone, pace, volume and gesture to present the poems to a class audience in small groups.
Library Afterschool Club
Halloween Play at Nursery
Primary 1 Literacy
Library Afterschool Club: 11/10/18
Celebration Assembly Term 1
We celebrated our Term 1 achievements at our Celebration Assembly on Friday.
David Donnelly-Kay, a football coach from from Broxburn United joined us on Friday to tell us about his personal achievements and his career stepping stones.Â
The first award we gave our was the Top Scorer Award for each House. They received a book shop gift voucher.
One child from each class was nominated by their teacher for the STEM Superstar Award, for achievements in Science, Technologies or Maths.
One child from each class was nominated by their teacher for the Awesome Author for their achievements in writing. This is a new award this session as writing is part of our school improvement agenda.
The P7 Young Leaders who helped at our recent consultations received a Head Teacher Award.
Almond won the House Points for this term and have decided on a pyjama party on Wednesday.
We watched a video of our Term 1 achievements.
We also shared a surprise video for World Teachers’ Day.