Primary 6 Update

Literacy (Class Novel)

This week in Primary 6 we have been getting used to our weekly routines. We have been introduced to our new class novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio where we were asked to predict what might happen.  This term we will be focusing on prediction where we will develop our skills in this area.

Wonder, Illustrated Edition by R.J. Palacio, illustrated by Tad Carpenter |  Youth Services Book Review

Topic – The Jacobites

We were introduced to our new topic for this term: The Jacobites. We shared what we knew already and what we want to learn so the topic can be shaped around our questions.

Primary 1 blog

Primary 1 have enjoyed their outdoor learning this week. After listening to the story, The 3 Little Pigs, we used different materials to make houses for the pigs. Once our houses were ready, we used the puppets we had made to act out the story. Everyone wanted to be the big bad wolf!

Primary 1 Blog

Primary 1 have been learning about halves. We made cakes for one another with playdoh then cut them in half. We coloured halves of different shapes and found halves of numbers using our counters. We talked about when in real life we might need to use halves.

On World Book Day, we enjoyed reading Gorilla Loves Vanilla. We talked about words that rhyme in the book and completed a rhyme challenge with our friends in P2/1.  We talked about our favourite ice cream and designed our own delicious ice cream sundae.



P3 Weekly Update

This week we focused on learning our common words through active learning. We were able to do these stations independently following the instructions at the beginning of the lesson. We enjoyed being able to explore Literacy through lots of different activities and alongside our learning buddies.

In Maths this week, we have continued learning about collecting and collating data using tally marks and bar graphs. We had fun in our ‘pancake flipping’ competition where we tally marked how many times each person could flip their pancake. This was then used to create a bar/block graph.

Your child has brought home their Wonderful Week of Work jotter for you to see from this week. There is a sheet stuck in where you can leave feedback on what you have read and your child also.

P3 Weekly Update

This week we have been focusing on our knowledge of how to write a procedure.

Today we were asked to reflect on our prior learning and use it to complete a group task. Miss Walkingshaw provided us with an example of a procedure – ‘How to safely exit the building in a fire’ which builds further onto their learning with Mrs Mooney.

We were asked to find the structure of the procedure first, identify title, goal and materials used before ordering the steps in the correct order. We showed fantastic knowledge of how this genre should be written.

P3 Weekly Update

This week in Primary 3 we have been busy working hard in all areas of our learning. We are excited for you to see our ‘Wonderful Week of Work’ jotters and bring them home and show off our work form this week.

We have created our craft for the Christmas Fayre on Friday 2nd December 2022.

We developed our knowledge of what makes a good friend and discussed the qualities that we look for in a good friend. We are looking for these everyday in the classroom, in the playground and at home and to show these qualities to others.

James from Broxburn United FC joined us this week for our 4th week of Fun Fitness Friday. We were learning what it means to be ‘physically active’.

P3 Weekly Update

This week we have celebrated World Book Day and Anti-Bullying in school. We have taken part in a lot of different activities to share our passion for reading and improving our understanding of what bullying is.

In Numeracy, we have been focusing on skip counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and began counting in 4s yesterday. We used concrete materials and a 100 square help our learning.

We worked collectively to create our very own Rotten Romans timeline for our class display. We now have an understanding of what a timeline is for and used our knowledge of ordering numbers to help with this task.

Primary 3 Weekly Update

This week in Primary 3 we have been very busy.

Numeracy – We have been continuing to develop our knowledge of how to skip count in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s up to and beyond 100. We have been looking for patterns when skip counting, using a 100 square to help us.

Literacy – Miss Walkingshaw modelled a lesson on how to create a narrative piece of writing. The story was called ‘The day where everything was backwards’. We loved helping her create this piece of writing and can’t wait to write our very own narrative stories next week.

Music – This week we have been practising our songs for the Nativity and learning about ‘pulse’ using our new resource – Charanga. We loved finding the pulse in different pieces of music and completed the GOLD level!

Well Done Medal Card by Katie Phythian from The Dotty House


Our focus for next week is to work on our manners and being a kind friend.

P6 Weekly Update

This week we have been learning how to explore character descriptions and consider how this indicates personality traits. We also looked into how to extract quotations and retrieve information from a novel or piece of text effectively. We used our class novel ‘Why the Whales Came’ by Michael Morpurgo to complete this task.

We looked into narrative voice, description, language and dialogue used to create an image of the Birdman in the readers head. We drew the Birdman based upon the descriptions given by the author and other characters in the novel, backing this up with direct quotations from the text to emphasise the way he is portrayed.

P6 Weekly Update

This week in Primary 6 we had a visit from Zoe Gordon who shared her knowledge of languages with us. She will be working with us over the coming weeks to further develop our knowledge of French and Spanish. This week we worked on getting to know Spain and basic Spanish greetings.

In Science, Mrs McJimpsey worked with us on our knowledge of forces. She challenged us to create a Tin Foil Boat which was able to float on water. We then had to add one penny at a time onto the boat, counting them as we went along to see how long it would take for the boat to sink. We really enjoyed this activity!

Today we have went over the Mini-Health and Wellbeing Champs application. We have been asked to think about if we would like to apply for this role which will go with us into P7. The applications will be handed out on Monday 16th May 2022 and must be returned by Monday 30th May 2022. This can be completed at home however we advise the children to complete this themselves.

Well done to our certificate winners for this week, Sophie-Rose and Finlay.



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