Primary 2 had great fun last week when Primary 4 came to visit and present them with their Read, Write, Count bags. We had great fun reading the stories and playing the games!
Literacy study P7
This term, as our literacy study novel, we have been reading Anne Frank’s diary. We are really enjoying the novel and Anne’s humour despite the difficulties she and her family are having. We are looking at it from the point of discrimination and all that that entails. We have looked more deeply into different types of discrimination and its impact on lives. We are working with partners to create a power point presentation showing our understanding of this topic. Mrs Andison is looking forward to seeing and hearing our presentations this week.
Primary 1 Toys Sway
Primary 1 –
Primary 1 have been learning about ‘Shape’ today. The children were asked to talk about what they knew about shapes during a class circle time. They were keen to share their knowledge and understanding. We played shape pass the parcel – the children passed the box until the music stopped and the person with the box had to pick out a folded shape and attempt to guess its name. We had great fun!  Afterwards we made ‘Shape Pizzas’.
P5 Celebrate Book Week
P5 were delighted to be giving out the books bags to the nursery children. They joined us on Monday afternoon and Eilidh read one of the stories from their book bag to them. A great time was had by all!
Living Our Values
West Lothian Gardening Awards Success!
Sarah-Jane and Miss Burton attended the West Lothian Council Gardening Awards on Friday 25th October. Our school received two awards:
- Best Container Gardern
- Best Decorative Garden
We received the beautiful plaque below and a gift voucher.
These awards for a fantastic recognition for all the work Sarah-Jane and our Gardening Club have done in the past year.
IDL Literacy
Some of our children are using an online computer programme called IDL Literacy in school. They are also able to access this at home either on a computer, laptop, iPad or Android Device. If your child has access to this programme a copy of their username and password can be found in their school diary.
Please find attached a helpful Parent/Carer Guide on how to use IDL Literacy at home.  Parents Guide to IDL for Blog  Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Dugan if you have any questions.