Primary 2

This week we have been successful learners when looking at estimating and subitising in numeracy. We have been challenging ourselves to estimate quantities and have had a go at daily esti-mysteries where we have to use the clues to help us make a more accurate estimate.

We have also been working in small groups where one person put out a handful of counters and everyone then had to estimate how many counters were laid out. We then worked together to check our estimates by counting, thinking about how to arrange the counters (in rows of 5 or 10) to then get the total amount by skip counting.

To test our knowledge of climate zones and animal habitats we all worked together to sort animals into their climate zone based on what their habitats are like. We noticed how most of our polar zone animals were white and discussed why we thought they all had this in common.



P6 Weekly Update

Physical Education – Volleyball

This week in PE we have been developing our knowledge of Volleyball and introduced the underarm serve. Once we practised this skill, we moved on to using this in small games. We are improving our skills every week and we are enjoying trying a different sport. Next week we will be moving on to learn the overarm serve.

Modern Languages – Polish

This week we have been learning more Polish vocabulary. We have been learning how to say basic greetings, colours and recapping our knowledge of the alphabet. We want to say thank you to Ola for sharing all of her knowledge with us, creating resources for us to use and we can’t wait to use this on a daily basis.

We are looking forward to the next couple of weeks where we get to take part in lots of Christmas based activities alongside our learning.

P5 Multiplying

LI: Multiply

SC: I can.. x a 3 digit number by a single digit

I can… lay my work out correctly

This week in P5 we have been learning to multiply a 3 digit number by a single digit. We started by using concrete materials to see what was happening. Then we moved onto writing it out using the grid method. We used our estimating skills first to estimate what we thought the answer should be. This gave the children the opportunity to recap their estimating skills. By regularly revisiting our maths skills it gives the children the opportunity to see the links within maths and embed them allowing them to  become confident individuals.

P4 Learning

Primary 4 have been ambitious by writing a book review about George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl.  They have included a statement of position, series of arguments and a concluding statement.  They have also used time and sequence words and sensing verbs.  Here is an example of a completed book review.

Primary 7 Weekly blog.

We have had a busy week with last minute tweaks to our presentations i preparation for our House and Vice Captain elections. It has been and exciting and nerve-wracking week for our candidates.

In Literacy we are continuing our new novel Divided City by Theresa Breslin. We are really enjoying the storyline. We are focusing on our prediction skills at the moment.  We created our own book covers for Divided City. We were impressed at the variety of different ideas we all came up with. Here are some of our fantastic ideas.

Primary 2

This week in Primary 2 we have been learning about our topic of Climate Change. We have been responsible citizens by thinking of all the things we can do to help save our planet. Last week we completed our climate display wall with our “save our animals, save our planet posters”.  This week we worked together to think about all of the small steps we can take to try and help achieve this. Here are some examples of our work:


P2/1 Weekly Blog

P2/1 have been successful learners this week. We have started a new phonics block and have been learning about digraphs. A digraph is two letters that make one sound. We have been busy reading, writing and building words.

Primary 7 weekly blog

Well it’s been a very busy week for us in P7. We have been preparing for the House Captain elections that are to happen next week.

As it was Children in Need, on Friday,  we designed new T-shirts for the event. Have a look at our amazing designs.

We also had a fun dance-off with P6 outside in the playground.  Mrs Andison was impressed with some of our dance moves. She even gave some of us a 10/10 (Strictly has nothing on us).

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