P2/1 blog


Primary 2/1 have been learning all about the Queen. We found out lots of interesting facts about Her Majesty then planned our own Jubilee party to celebrate her 70 years on the throne. We made crowns, drew portraits of the Queen and designed a birthday cake.

P5 Weekly Update

This has been a slightly shorter week but still super busy! Here are some of our highlights.

“We have been learning about money and how to convert pounds to pence. We also learned a method for division” – Jessica and Iona

“We were making a movie about the solar system for our assembly next week” – Kenzie

“This week we were planning and writing scripts for our assembly” – Jake

“We got feedback on our water cycle work from last week” – Maisey

“In health and wellbeing we have been learning about how our body changes as we grow up” – Lewis

“Lots of us are now on level 27B in 55 club” – Jacob

“We did football in PE and we also learned how to work as a team” – Iona

“In PE we also did some athletics with Mrs Birrell” – Connor

“Mrs McJimpsey’s maths group learned some new maths card games” – Maisey

Our class assembly about our IDL topic will be on Wednesday 1st June in the afternoon. We really hope you can make it, but if not then we will be sharing our movie and our posters on Teams so they can be accessed at home too.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Miss Thomson

P6 Weekly Update

Today we helped to raise  money for a charity close to our hearts. May is the month of the year where people raise awareness for Vasculitis. In Primary 6 we created badges and asked all the children in the school to wear something red to show our support `for this special cause.

We hope we have raised lots of money for this amazing charity!


Thank you for supporting us,

Primary 6

P2/1 Blog

In Maths, we have been investigating  measure and tried measuring different objects around the school using our hands, feet, cubes and lollypop sticks. We learned that these are non-standard units of measurement, while rulers and metre sticks are standard units of measurement.


Primary 1 Blog Post 25.5.22

This week Primary 1 have been busy investigating ‘measure’.  We used a range of non –standard objects to measure the lengths of items around our classroom e.g measuring with lego pieces, dominoes and pencils.

We are learning about farming and this week we took part in a STEM challenge to design and make a hen coop.  We looked at a range of designs and talked about what hens would need inside their coops and also how to keep them safe from predators.  We firstly designed our homes on paper and then began to make a 3D model.  Watch this space!

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our ‘Farming’ assembly.  We enjoyed talking about our learning so far.

P2/1 Blog


The last 2 weeks we have had visits from Zoe Gordon in school who shared her knowledge of French with us. We have been learning greetings, colours, numbers and animals.

We have been researching how to keep our teeth healthy and shared our knowledge with the dentist when we had our dental checks in school. We also designed posters to encourage others to look after their teeth.

We are busy learning sounds from our new phonics block and have been consolidating our learning  making words from playdoh, using ict games, board games and building words with our sounds on the magnetic boards.


Primary 1

On Monday, our Painted Lady butterflies emerged from their chrysalises. We fed them pieces of orange and sugar water. After a few days they were strong enough to fly away so we released them outside. Some of us held out our arms in the hope they might land on us and linger in the playground but they flew straight up into the sky!

We have really enjoyed seeing the butterfly life cycle in our class and learning about it in more depth. This morning we drew pictures and wrote about where we thought they might have gone. Some of us imagined that they will see a rainbow, fly to another country or find a lovely park somewhere.

Good luck, butterflies! 🦋

Primary 2

This week in Primary 2 we have been very busy learning lots of new things.

In maths we started looking at measure and tried measuring different objects in our classroom using our hands and feet. We learned that these are non-standard units of measurement, while rulers and metre sticks are standard units of measurement.

We also started our topic on athletes and began by looking at the human body. We got the chance to work together to draw round each others bodies and tried naming some of our body parts including our 5 main organs and some parts of our skeleton.

Finally, we all worked together to compose our own rhythm thinking about how many beats are in a bar and how long we hold each note for. We tried a 4 beat note, a 2 beat note, a 1 beat note and a half beat note and used these to vary our rhythm. Once we had composed our musical score we all got a percussion instrument and tried to play along altogether. It was super fun and I was very impressed with the musical talent in Primary 2.

Have a lovely long weekend and I’ll see you all on Tuesday, Miss McGregor.

P5 Weekly Update


Here is the weekly update from P5. This has been a super busy week!

“We did writing about how the water cycle works” – Iona

“We had a visit from Mrs Gordon and we did Spanish and French. It was really fun!” – Kenzie

“In Maths we did more levels of 55 club and some people are now on level 27A” – Jacob

“We went outside and did lots of races in PE such as the sack race and the egg and spoon race”  – Floraidh and Hannah

“We did drama with Mrs Birrell all about climate change” – Danielle

“On Wednesday we had a power cut so did our work with no lights or internet!” – Jacob

Enjoy the long weekend everybody!

From Miss Thomson and Primary 5

Primary 2 & Primary 2/1

This week in Primary 2 and Primary 2/1 we got the opportunity to share our learning on sun safety at assembly. We started off by sharing what we already knew about sun safety.

We then made sun safety posters and created  our artwork for assembly.

Mrs Strachan and Miss McGregor were very proud of everyone’s hard work!

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