In Maths this week Primary 1 have been learning about pattern. We created our own patterns using numbers, colours and shapes.
We also made spooky pumpkins for Halloween.
Pumpherston and Uphall Station CPS Blog
A place for news, information and sharing learning from PUSCPS
Primary six have been working hard since returning for term 2.
Literacy: In writing, we have been looking at narrative writing. We will be writing a piece about a haunted house in the coming weeks. For reading, we have started working in our reading groups and exploring different texts. We have been focusing on clarifying words this week.
Reading for pleasure has been a key focus this term. To encourage this, we have been reading audiobooks by scanning QR codes around the classroom. Some children have also been looking at non-fiction texts.
Primary 1 have been learning about Autumn this week. We talked about the different colours of the trees during this time, then painted our own trees, using foil to create the leaves. We learned about how hedgehogs go for a big long sleep in Autumn (hibernation) and we made our own hedgehogs using real Autumn leaves to create the spikes.
This week in primary 4 we shared our learning as part of our Explorers topic. We each took turns to present what we had found out about our country. We then set each of our clocks to the correct time zone so we could compare what time it was in different parts of the world.
We also looked at the festival of Diwali and had a go at creating our own Rangoli patterns.
This week we have been working on a new Literacy routine. This is where we have explored more active spelling tasks, reading with our friends, using our digital class library and many more literacy focused activities.
We created an Autumn wreath which we were able to put on show around our houses. We tried to make these from natural materials, however it didn’t quite work out that way!
We had a very nerve-wracking week this week as we had fifteen members of our class making presentations for the House Captain elections. Mrs Andison was very proud of all the candidates as they all spoke very well.
It was Maths week Scotland and we had some blether stations all about how Maths and Numeracy are used in our daily lives as well as how they may be used in different jobs. We really enjoyed this. We also did some learning on budgeting where we had to plan a day out for ourselves and a friend.Â
This week in Primary 4 we have been creating some scottish lanscape pictures. We learned how to create a monochrome effect by using black and white paint mixed with a base colour. We then chose a Scottish landscape/ animal or flower to draw on black paper to create a silhouette effect. Here are some pictures of our work:
We have also enjoyed taking part in the Maths week Scotland challenge on sumdog. Over 6,900 classes took part in the contest and we finished 1091st. Super job everyone!
This week in Primary 3 we have complete an expressive arts activity where we recreated Edinburgh Castle as part of our class topic. We completed a drawing activity where we drew the castle step by step. We then painted the scenery in the background using a picture from the smartboard for guidance.
We continued working on our knowledge of time – using o’clock, half past and quarter past. We worked in pairs to draw clocks to represent different times given from our partner.
For writing, we have been writing All About Me using descriptive writing.
In reading, we have been reading about the Talisman, book number 3 focusing on the “oe” phoneme.
We have been continuing to read The Boy at the Back of the Class – we read chapters 13 and 14 this week and did some comprehension and prediction tasks.
In numeracy, some of us have been learning about decimal place value. Other groups have been rounding up whole numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. We went outside for some number games and consolidated our learning by using playing cards.
For PE we have been playing basketball and doing circuits.
In topic we drew posters based on what we have already learned.
We made sculptures in art.
This week in primary 4 we have been working hard on using adjectives in our descriptive writing. We took inspiration from our class novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and tried to describe some of the main characters.
We have also been learning about the different sections of descriptive writing through our PM writing big book. The text in the book focuses on the moon so we decided to link our writing to our topic by writing about the earth.