Primary 2 Assembly
Here are some of the photos of the Primary 2 assembly this afternoon. Â They told us lots about bicycles old and new, and sang a lovely song. Well done Primary 2!
Autism Friendly screenings
World Autism Awareness Day is on 2nd April and, in celebration, extra Autism Friendly Screenings are being held across the country to help make the cinema more accessible and raise awareness of autism.
Click on the links below for information from the Vue and Odeon cinemas where regular screenings are held which are adapted to make them more accessible.
P5 Weekly Blog
Last week we were working in groups to compare life in Scotland to life in Sierra Leone. Â We compared education, healthcare, family life, whether they are rich or poor, transport, water supply, food and daily lives. Well done to the transport group who all worked really well together to produce a fantastic poster which met all of their success criteria.
Primary 4
This week, Primary 4 continued their Science learning by looking at seasons! We wondered why the seasons changed throughout the year and discovered that the tilt of the earth makes a big difference!
When the Earth is tilted towards the Sun, we get longer days and warmer weather (Summer) and when it is tilted away from the Sun, we get shorter days and cooler weather (Winter).
We made fantastic pictures to show how the tilt of the Earth changes the seasons.
Next time, we will be looking at the phases of the Moon!
Until then…
Primary 4 and Miss M 🙂
Primary 1
This week Primary 1 have been learning about capacity. We practised filling up bottles to different levels and described how full or empty various containers were.
On Thursday it was Chinese New Year and we learnt about the different ways people in China celebrate. In writing, we wrote a description of what happened in the story of Chinese New Year.
In PE, we have been learning how to use bats and rackets to hit a ball back to our partner. We had to practise our aim and keep our eye on the ball. We are looking forward to playing more games to improve our skills next week.
West Lothian Courier Wishes came true!
Great news today – the West Lothian Courier Wish community cash giveaway have given us a cheque for £99.32 for Pumpherston and Uphall Station PSFA!
The amount was in proportion to the number of Wish tokens collected form the newspaper late last year. Â Thank you again to everyone who took part and donated tokens to our box, and thanks also to the Courier for their donation.
Pancake Day in Primary 1 and 1/2
We watched a pancake movie of how to make the pancakes.(Junior) Â In the movie it showed you how to make the pancakes, you put sugar, milk and eggs in it. (Lilly)Â Â You leave them on the frying pan for a little minute then you turn the other bit on so the pancakes are not all saucy. (Lewis) They turn brown on one side, then when it’s brown you flip it over on to the other side. (Mischa)
We had a try of the pancakes. (Jessica) We took our pancake and passed the plate round. (Ellie)
People make pancakes with milk, butter and sugar and egg to use it up before the 40 days then at Easter they eat eggs again. (Rosa and Amber)
We made a graph of our favourite pancake toppings. Â We wrote a list of different flavours then we voted for our favourite. Â We coloured in then we could see the numbers. (Abbie) The butter was the winner on our graph. (Kyle)
Primary 4
For our current block of Science, we have been looking at Space – particularly the Sun, Moon and Earth.
So far, we have learned how the Earth spins on its own and also orbits the Sun. We are able to explain how this affects daytime and night-time, and will learn about seasons this week!
We found a fantastic website which told us lots of interesting facts about ‘The Earth and Beyond’. There was a very clever way to remember the names of planets in the Solar System and how far away they are from the Sun. See if you can work out the order from the mnemonic below…
My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets
(The first one is Mercury)
Here is the website below if you’d like to learn more (The Children’s University of Manchester).
Until next time (and may the force be with you)
Miss M and P4 🙂
P5 Weekly Blog
Last week we had a trip to the swimming pool at Broxburn to do our swimming assessments. We no longer get a block of swimming it is only one visit. We will keep you posted as to what will happen next.
Last week we were looking at landscape paintings and Shannon very kindly brought in a couple of paintings for us to look at. We were learning the correct vocabulary to use when discussing landscape paintings. Our next steps are to practise mixing paints and using different types of brush stokes and then we will use these skills to paint a landscape of Sierra Leone.
We were also looking at the effects of severe weather and we discussed the different types of severe weather we can get in Scotland and Sierra Leone.
We are getting trained up to be excellent scientists! Last week we were learning all about the digestive system. In a few years our NHS will be looking good once our trained scientists get out there to help!