Easter Service today at 1:30
Remember our Easter Celebration is today (Tuesday) at 1:30pm. Â We will be joined by Reverend Povey and the children will share stories and thoughts about Easter and will entertain us with spring and Easter songs. Â Yesterday I judged each classes Easter Egg competition entries with some P7 helpers and three entries from each class were chosen to go forward to the final. Â Mr Povey and I will judge these at the service this afternoon and announce the winner from each class. Â You cannot imagine how difficult a job this has been as each class has fielded an absolutely mind-blowing range and quality of entries. Â A huge well done to everyone.
Please note that the planned P3 football is cancelled this afternoon and so P3 pupils will be taking part in the assembly.
P5 Weekly Blog
Last week we started our Living and Growing topic and we have been learning about all of the changes which will happen to girls and boys as we get older.
In maths we have been learning about 2D shapes and we are able to list the features of shapes by using the vocabulary parallel lines and perpendicular lines. We are also learning about equilateral and isosceles triangles. Test us at home to see how good we are!
In drama, in our groups, Â we performed our improvised dramas about life in Sierra Leone to the rest of the class.
In PE we finished our African dances and we also performed  them to the class.
Excitement is growing for our P5 camp! Please make sure all letters are returned to the school as soon as possible.
That’s it for this week!
The most recent newsletters (November, January, February and March) have been uploaded to the blog.  Click on the OUR SCHOOL tab and select Newsletters and Updates.  They can be read from here or you can download a copy.
Steven Eagleson
Jacques is ready to pack!
Mrs Hull and Jacques are making final preparations for their French adventure during the Easter holidays.
We will be in Lyon for a week learning lots of French and finding out about France. Â It’s a big adventure and the whole school are helping us prepare:
Primary 1 and 1/2 have made a packing list. They checked the weather forecast in Lyon and suggested sun cream and shades rather than a scarf.
Primary 2 have written a list of questions they would like Mrs Hull to find out about school in France. Do they wear a uniform? What are French school dinners like?
Primary 3 have been learning how to talk about the weather in French, so Mrs Hull can tell people how sunny it is in Scotland.
In primary 4 we have been looking at French story books and practising the calendar, and Primary 5 have found out where Lyon is in France. They wrote postcards to their pen pals in French describing Pumpherston and Uphall station. We have pen pals in West Lothian now, perhaps we will be writing for pen pals in France soon.
Primary 6 have prepared photos and film for a guided tour of our school. We also had a quick look at Lyon airport on Google earth and learned how to give directions, in case Mrs Hull gets lost.
Primary 7 had a good look at Lyon tourist information and have given advice on travel, activities, interesting sights to see, and the local football team! They have asked lots of questions about life in France.
The staff have also helped us. Â The ladies in the office have made sure Jacques has a school tie to look smart as he represents Pumpherston and Uphall Station CPS on the trip, and the teachers have given us travel tips, books to read on the plane, and travel adapters for the charger plugs.
Thank you to everyone who is supporting us. We will be blogging as we go so look up the blog over the Easter holidays! We hope to come back with some new friends and lots of good ideas for French lessons next term.

P3 Football
Primary 3 are very excited to be going on a trip on Tuesday to Albyn Park in Broxburn to take part in a range of football activities. Over the last 6 weeks, the class have enjoyed weekly football coaching in school and are now getting a chance to put their new skills into action. Wish us luck!
P5 Weekly Blog
In PE with Miss Pender we were working on our dance routine. We are not allowed to tell you what it is yet because it might be a routine we decide to perform in the future………….
The skills we have been learning in dance are: team work, sharing good ideas, to learn the moves and complete them at the correct time. We are still working on our African dances which we will be performing to each other at the end of term.
In drama we were also working as a team and we were putting together an improvised drama about life in Sierra Leone. We had to decide what faces, words and actions to use in our sketch.
In maths we have started to work on 2D shapes and we are able to discuss the features of 2D shapes so test us at home!
In science we were learning about bones. We were finding out the names and functions of some of the bones in our bodies. One interesting fact we found out is a ladies pelvis is wider than a mans.
We are still enjoying developing our reading skills and are improving our summarizing skills by including all key points. The blue group are really enjoying their book ‘Danny Champion of the World’ by Roald Dahl.
That’s it for this week.
From P5
Primary 4
Primary 4 have been gearing up for their upcoming Benchball tournament on Monday 30th!
We have been exploring different ways of passing, how to make good use of space and how to work well as a team. We have been practising in mini-games in class groups, but are looking forward to playing against our cluster friends next week!
A big thank you to Ms Pender who has been teaching us Benchball in our gym sessions, and to Miss Heatherill for organising the trip, and trusting that Miss McLaughlin is teaching it properly!
A reminder to parents/carers that Benchball letters and EE2 forms are due in by Thursday 26th March. The cost is £3.50. Please see the office or Miss McLaughlin if you are missing the permission form!
Primary 4 & Miss M 🙂
Red Nose day Total
Mrs Thom and her team have been counting. Â They have done all their sums and have a final answer.
Our Red Nose Day activities raised £211.61!!
That’s fantastic, thank you to everyone who joined in and gave money, time and talents to help raise this much. The UK government has promised to double all money raised by schools for this year’s Red Nose Day campaign, so our efforts will be worth £423.22!!
Money raised by schools this year will be used by Comic relief to help get 300,000 children in Africa into education and learning.
I can, you can, WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!