

Good news! We got all the answers correct in our homework yesterday!!

Today we were in class all day, like at school. Our class were doing running dictation, just like Mrs Campbell’s class, but in French. The marking was very strict, and counted mistakes, not points! French children do a lot of dictation every week in class, but they don’t usually get to hop out their seats to read the sentences, the teacher reads them out.  There was a lot of work with verbs today too.

We also did maths, counting, adding and subtracting in French, and a few games which were really good fun.

Il fait beau, il y a beaucoup de soleil, et il fait chaud!

This evening Mrs Hull went to le cinema! It was a film directed by a famous French comedian. The animation was fantastic. Here is the poster for the film. Can you predict the story?


The film for this evening. Can you translate the title?
The film for this evening. Can you translate the title
Part of the school 1+2 language development project
Part of the school 1+2 language development project




Today we began with classes at the University, with our tutor Julien. Then we were set on a mission; we had 20 questions to find the answers to in Lyon. We started in the best place, the café for lunch! Then we found the Tourist Information Office, took our map and explored the city. We climbed up to the Basilica (remember the big church?) using the funicular railway. What amazing views from inside and out! Then we wandered through the old narrow streets and asked a few shopkeepers for help.

One subject we had to find out about is the famous puppet from Lyon, Guignol, and Jacques took the chance to see how puppets are made here in France. Guignol is the puppet painted on the building we saw on Sunday.

We also had to find out how many times Olympique Lyonnaise have been champions of French football. Primary 7 were not here to ask so we headed for the Olympique Lyonnaise shop and asked a friendly assistant. The answer was 7!! I wonder if we could borrow their goalie for our next match at Pumpherston?

We hope you like our photos of today, now we’ll put our feet up before dinner…



Today we have been working hard in class from 9 until 3.30, just like school, learning French, trying new games, activities and listening to lots of information about French schools. Did you know, the schools used to be closed on Wednesdays, but now they have a new system and they are in class on Wednesday mornings? This was to make it better for the children – 5 shorter days instead of 4 long days.

Aujourd’hui il fait beau! Il y a du soleil, il fait chaud! We had un pique-nique  for lunch and watched the trams go by.


When we got back to our room, Mrs Hull wrote the blog and Jacques got to watch some cartoons. Then there was time for a quick game of pétanque before dinner.


Sunday /dimanche


We were up early for breakfast (croissants)then off to our first classes, learning about the different sounds of the French alphabet, and making some new games.  Then we had lunch ( une sandwich de jambon et fromage Primary 7!) in the main square, Place Bellecour. Primary 3 and 4, il fait du soleil et il y a du vent! Il fait froid! We had an open-top bus tour of Lyon so had to wrap up!  Lots of interesting things to see; old churches, statues, impressive new buildings, and some amazing painted buildings which look very real.To warm up we stopped at a little cafe for some chocolat chaud. This evening we are going to a restaurant for dinner. Will frogs’ legs be on the menu? Well, they definitely won’t be on my plate!

Jacques, et Mrs Hull.



Term 3 Golden Time Treat

Every term we reward the children who have not lost any golden time with a special treat.  This term we wanted to do something outdoors which would link in with our agenda for developing outdoors learning and also to make use of the roundhouse which P4 have built with our fantastic parent helpers Tom and Sarah Jane.

Pupils signed up to three activities from a choice of 5 and everyone had a fantastic time.  Miraculously the weather held for us too and we were out all afternoon.  Pupils took part in making Celtic inspired medallions from clay, making small animal models from pine cones, spending time in the roundhouse with face painting, planting sunflower seeds and taking part in a scavenger hunt.  They also enjoyed time on the kick pitch with various toys.

Everyone who took part had a fantastic time, which they had earned through a whole term of quality behaviour.  A huge thanks to all the adults who helped without whom it wouldn’t have been possible.

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Primary 6 say farewell

This week in Primary 6 has been bittersweet – we have had lots of fun but are having to say goodbye to our teachers. Miss Anderson loved her assembly this afternoon – there were tears of joy and of sadness. She was delighted with her awards, flowers and cards. Never before has she had a song written and performed for her! Thank-you to the pupils and staff for organising such a fun afternoon, it was definitely memorable.


We have finished learning about keeping safe and growing up, Miss Anderson has been impressed with how mature and sensible pupils in Primary 6 can be. Next term will be another opportunity to demonstrate this whilst working with our Nursery Buddies. We will find out who we are paired with on the first Thursday back after the Easter break.


So for the last time – goodbye from Primary 6 and Miss Anderson, we hope you all have a lovely holiday!


End of term

Today we said goodbye to Miss Anderson in an assembly.  Miss Anderson will take up her new post as Principal Teacher at Kirknewton Primary School after the holiday.

School and nursery re-open at the usual time on Monday 20 April and we look forward to seeing you all then, relaxed and refreshed.

Steven Eagleson

MAGALE SCHOOL – Don’t forget crazy hair this Thursday and bring a pound to help others. We are a Rights Respecting School and our support of Magale helps us understand UNCRC article 28 – “everyone has the right to an education” and article 29 – “education must develop respect for other cultures”.
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