Primary 3 Trip

Primary 3 had a fantastic trip yesterday to Mill Farm. We saw a lot of the animals that can be found on the Island of Coll, which was our recent topic.  Below are some of our pupils talking about what they enjoyed most.

Cerys: “ I loved digging in the sand and being on the trampolines.”

Callum: “I had fun in the soft play and I liked seeing all the animals.”

Rebecca: “I enjoyed going on the tractor ride.”



Primary 4

This week, Primary 4 has been turned into Dragon’s Den!

Miss McLaughlin gave us the task of designing a toy of the future. We turned from table groups to business teams!

First, we researched the different roles that would be involved in the toy design business (e.g. designer, artist, packager, advertiser, project manager and researcher) and each person was given a role in the team.

Then, our research team asked our sample (a group of Primary 1/2s – thank you Mrs Andison!) for their input and used this as criteria for our designs.

We came up with…

* It must be a type of doll/teddy/figure
* It must be soft/cuddly
* It must be colourful
* It must be suitable for both boys and girls
* It must have some special features.

Below is what we came up with! Later today we will be shooting adverts for our team pitch next week!

Jessica, Daniel, Katie D, Oskar & CJ
Jessica, Daniel, Katie D, Oskar & CJ
Katy R, Andrew, Callum, Ula & Jay
Katy R, Andrew, Callum, Ula & Jay
Miai, Euan, Logan, Katie C, Aiden & Hallie
Miai, Euan, Logan, Katie C, Aiden & Hallie
Mya, Matthew, Edward, Freya, Ewen & Lauren
Mya, Matthew, Edward, Freya, Ewen & Lauren
Jasmin, Jack, Ella, Lewis, Jed & Iona
Jasmin, Jack, Ella, Lewis, Jed & Iona

What do you think? Have we met our design brief?

Until next time…

Primary 4 & Miss M 🙂


West Lothian Council, Education Services, Admission Arrangements for Specialist

Provision 2014


In accordance with the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010, West Lothian Council

consulted (between 14 November 2014 and 16 January 2015) on the proposals outlined




 The adoption of admission arrangements set out in the consultation document will

ensure equity in the admission of children and young people to specialist provision

and ensure high quality decision making regarding admission;

 The adoption of a single catchment area for all specialist provision will ensure equity

within West Lothian for all children and young people with additional support needs.

This will help the council discharge its duty to meet the needs of children and young

people, to the benefit of children and young people with additional support needs,

and their parents/carers; and

 The proposed admission arrangements and catchment area will apply to all specialist



The consultation response report is available to download at the following weblink:

The report will be available on the West Lothian Council website from Thursday 30 April

2015 for a period of 3 weeks.

Hard copies of the report are available from:

The foyer of the Civic Centre, Howden South Road, Livingston, EH54 6FF

and all West Lothian libraries.

At the end of the consultation period, a final decision will be taken on the proposals by West

Lothian Council’s Education Executive on Tuesday 26 May 2015.

Primary 4

This week, Primary 4 were exploring rights! Each class had been given a specific right to look at, and ours was the right to learn.

We decided to find out what school was like for different children around the world. Countries we looked at included Japan, Brazil, Canada, Spain and Poland.

Here are some of the interesting facts we found out…

  • Japanese children ride to school on school buses in the shapes of different characters or animals.
  • In Poland, you don’t start nursery until age 6.
  • Brazilian children, get steak and chips for lunch as a special treat, but usually eat COLD acai berry soup!
  • American children don’t wear school uniform.
  • In Germany, children go to school on a Saturday! (No thanks!)

Ask us for other interesting facts!

Until next time,

Primary 4 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 3 Blog

Primary 3 are busy rehearsing for their assembly next week. Our assembly will be all about our recent island life topic where we learned about life on the Isle of Coll and the island of Madagascar. Here are details about our assembly.

Date: Thursday 30th April

Time: 1.15pm

Hope to see you there!


Primary 1/2

We have been learning about chicks this week. We were drawing chicks today; we drew yellow dots and then we put on legs, eyes, beak and made every chick a little bit different.  In our groups we made big pictures to show what we know about the life cycle of a chicken, and what they need to grow big and strong.

We were learning about caring people as part of Rights Respecting schools. We know children have the right to live with their parents or someone who cares for them.

P5 Weekly Blog

It is only one more week until P 5 go to camp!

Are you ready? Have you completed your homework tasks?

Can you put a sheet on your bed?

Can you put a pillow into a pillowcase?

Can you put a quilt into a quilt cover?

You have to be able to do that at camp so you had better practise this week!

Have you got wellies or waterproof shoes? You will need waterproof shoes and a waterproof jacket because, if it is raining, you will be out in it all day!Please try not to wear jeans.  They will get very wet and be very uncomfortable to wear.

Please come to school on Tuesday 28th of April dressed ready for camp. No school uniform that day if you are going to camp.

Remember to bring towels with you! We will try to clean you up while you are there! Bring a bath towel and a small hand towel if you can.

Make sure your name is on everything you bring to camp!

Make sure you bring a black bin bag to put in dirty and  / or wet clothes in for taking home.


If you have room in your bag you may bring a toy, notebook, reading book HOWEVER NO ELECTRICAL TOYS (ipads, mobile phones, ipods) CANNOT COME TO CAMP.

Any other questions you may have ask them before this Friday 24th of April?

Mrs Campbell


Lyon, 0830

This morning we will pack our case and get ready to come home to Scotland. It has been an amazing week and we had lots of fun. We are sad to be leaving Lyon and all our new friends (many are saying goodbye to Jacques as well as Mrs Hull) but we are happy that we have had such good time, and excited to share our new games and ideas with everyone back at Pumpherston and Uphall Station Community Primary.

Scotland, here we come!

Part of the school 1+2 language development project
Part of the school 1+2 language development project



Today is our last day of classes <<sniff!>> so we concentrated very hard. We were doing the weather in French. Aujourd’hui il fait beau, il y a du soleil, il y a beaucoup de vent! I hope P3 and P4 can will like the weather activities we’re bringing back with us. We learned about the map of France, and looked at some great apps we can use for French lessons when we start school again. Then there was a little French acting class, with the class using lots of different feelings.

Part of the school 1+2 language development project
Part of the school 1+2 language development project

This afternoon we went shopping and had a quick crêpe for afternoon snack. Miam miam!

This evening the meal will be in Old Lyon, then we need to pack for our flights back to Scotland tomorrow.


Part of the school 1+2 language development project
Part of the school 1+2 language development project

Today was very busy but also very exciting. We had lessons in the University again, learning some new songs, poems and tongue twisters in French. Jacques was asked if he would teach the class his favourite song, Frère Jacques which he was brave enough to do.

After class we met Mrs Hull’s friend, Mme Decourt. She and Mrs Hull have written to each other as pen friends since they were at school! We went for lunch, then we were invited to visit Roussillon, meet Mme Decourt’s family, and even to go to visit the primary school – L’école St Jacques! The children sang a super welcome song in English for us and we listened to them reading a lovely story about a magic cat in Egypt. The castle in Roussillon is special because it was there that the French king signed a law in 1564 to make  1 janvier the start of the year in France. We have a copy of the law (merci Mme Decourt!) to show you when we get back to school.

We made lots of new friends today. We are hoping our schools will be able to write to each other so we can learn about France and we can tell the children about Scotland.

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