Looking at bringing together various elements of learning and engagement which we want to take forward and considering the ethos and the vision we have for PUSCPS we are planning a SHARED FOCUS WEEK around the upcoming International Day of Cultural Diversity in May.
A shared focus week allows all pupils in school from N-P7 to work on the same sets of outcomes at their own level and demonstrates the progression of learning across the stages. Cultural Diversity is an increasingly important consideration and our curriculum aims to develop pupils as responsible citizens.
We will launch the week in school with an assembly for pupils on Thursday 21 May – International Day of Cultural Diversity –  and pupils will then work over the following week on planned learning opportunities to develop understanding and awareness of diverse cultures.
On Thursday 28 May pupils will lead other pupils on a learning walk sharing their learning with pupils from N-P7 in the same group – these are our Pumphie Pals groups. This will prepare the pupils for sharing their learning with you.
On Friday 29 May at 11:30– parents/carers/family are invited to a sharing learning afternoon where your child will guide their visitors around their class and the school on a learning walk. This will be an opportunity to talk to pupils about their learning and see what they have been doing during Cultural Diversity week.