Primary 4

This week, Primary 4 started their fantastic Technologies challenge – to build a Roman amphitheatre!

We had looked at the design of amphitheatres (the most famous probably being the Colosseum) and noticed that they had no roof or doors, were made of stone and used lots of arches for their construction.

We are very lucky to be working with Sarah-Jane and Tom! We have enjoyed learning so far about how different materials can be used and how to work with different tools. We are currently building our structure from stones, sandbags and turf.

Have a look at our first set of photos:

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All hail Empress Kamila and her noble soldiers!
Starting to build up our walls…
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Using line spray to mark out our sight (and Tom’s wellies!)
I think this one spent more time IN the wheelbarrow than digging into it…
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The site
Team Wheel & Barrow
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Team Sandbags (& Mrs B)
I’m not sure if the Romans had selfies…

Keep checking in with us to see how we are getting on!

A shout out to parents and friends of the school…

We are in need of old spades, trowels, forks, rakes… If any of our school community have any at home, we would love to be able to use them 🙂  

Many thanks,

Miss M & Primary 4


Nursery news

The children in Nursery have been learning about our school rules, and telling each other how we make our school the best it can be. Have a look at their great ideas!

Primary 4

This week, Primary 4 made links between our Roman topic and RME! 

We found out that Romans had many different gods and often prayed to them for different things. We decided to investigate the main gods and find out more about them. We worked in pairs to create a fact file about each god.

Here is our display below…


We will be starting our fantastic building project next week.. Check in with us to see how we are getting on!

Until then…

Primary 4 & Miss M 🙂

What a Wonderful Wig Walk!

Thank you SO much to everyone who contributed to the success of our ‘Walk your Wigs Off’ walk today.  This was our part of West Lothian Walking week, and what lovely weather we had for our walks. Thank you to Pumpherston Community Council and the West Lothian Council NETS team for the  loan of litter picking equipment – Pumpherston was looking very tidy today.  We had a fantastic team of helpers with us on the walk, thank you for coming along with us.  We hope you enjoyed it, we were very pleased to have you with us today.

Back at school we were raising money through our Dress Down Day pounds for Team Jak, a local charity raising money to build and improve facilities for young people with cancer – we are very proud to say we raised £200!

Well done everyone – remember, as it says in our song, ‘ I can, you can we can make a difference! ‘


West Lothian Walking Week – helpers needed!

Would you be free on the morning of  Friday September 25th?wig1

We’re planning to take part in West Lothian Walking Week by walking round the community in groups of 2 or 3 classes, picking up any litter as we go.  The theme for this year  is Walk Your Wigs off  so many of us will be wearing crazy wigs on the day. It’s also one of our regular monthly dress down days, with the children contributing £1 to dress down which will be donated to Jak’s Den.

We’re looking for adult helpers to help with the supervision of classes on the walkabout! Please contact the school office if you are able to help.

Thank you!

Mrs Hull.


Fruit Stall

The P5 Fruit Stall will open tomorrow at break time.

P5 came up with some reasons why you should swap your crisps or chocolate for a piece of fruit:

– It’s healthy and delicious

– You can buy it in school

– It won’t rot your teeth like sweets can

– One of your 5 a day!

– It’s delicious and nutritious!

Price List

Bananas – 20p

Grapes – 40p

Apples – 30p

Oranges – 30p


from P5 and Miss McLennan


P5 Final Blog for 2014 – 2015

We talked about what our favourite things in P5 were and at the top of the list was our camp to Fordell Firs! Caving was a big favourite also the king swing and climbing. The gladiator duel and the diddi cars were enjoyed too. Mrs Campbell, Mrs Ross and Mrs Bonner liked bedtime when we knew you were sleeping!

Some of the children loved drama especially using the ipads to film our dramas and viewing them together. We will be able to do more of this in P6.

We also enjoyed our school trip to Linlithgow Palace and Annet House in September. We used this visit as inspiration for our assembly about life in the 16th Century.

This year some of the children enjoyed developing their writing as they were able to use their imaginations to think of their stories.  They also enjoyed peer assessing their work with their partners.

Some of the children enjoyed reaching their targets in reading and this has made them more confident readers and they now are more able to read more challenging texts. Enjoy reading over the long summer holidays.

Au revoir

Mrs Campbell and P5




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