This week, Primary 4 started their fantastic Technologies challenge – to build a Roman amphitheatre!
We had looked at the design of amphitheatres (the most famous probably being the Colosseum) and noticed that they had no roof or doors, were made of stone and used lots of arches for their construction.
We are very lucky to be working with Sarah-Jane and Tom! We have enjoyed learning so far about how different materials can be used and how to work with different tools. We are currently building our structure from stones, sandbags and turf.
Have a look at our first set of photos:
Keep checking in with us to see how we are getting on!
A shout out to parents and friends of the school…
We are in need of old spades, trowels, forks, rakes… If any of our school community have any at home, we would love to be able to use them 🙂 Â
Many thanks,
Miss M & Primary 4