P4 Amphitheatre Update

Our amphitheatre is really starting to take shape now. We have braved the wind, rain and cold and are almost finished the first wall! We have also began proper construction of our stage too (very wet, muddy and dirty – just how we like it :)!). Some of us were very lucky and learned how to cut trees using a handsaw (all fingers still there!).

Whilst digging, we found a LOT of worms. We felt bad about taking them out of their underground homes, so Sarah-Jane helped us to build a wormery. The mini wheelbarrow is also now known as the ‘Wormbulance’. Erin and Ceira are fantastic worm nurses!

Below are our most recent photos…

The first post goes up…
Building up the wall…
Saving the worms!
Super digging guys!
Setting the stage…
The Muscle Man himself!

Check in next time to see how we’re doing!

Until then…

Primary 4 & Miss M 🙂

P1/2 Modern Languages Focus

As part of our Modern Languages focus last week, Primary 1/2 were learning how to speak Polish.

One of our P2 pupils Tatiana is from Poland and she was a great teacher, helping the class to learn the Polish words for yes/no, hello/goodbye and cat/dog. Thank you Tatiana!

Sending our thoughts to France

franceOn behalf of the school I contacted our friends at école St Jacques in Roussillon to let them know we held a minute of silence for the people of France.

The teacher replied to thank us.  She says they too are thinking about the terrible events and the children are asking lots of questions.

They will be in touch again soon.

Mrs Hull

P4 haben Deutsch gelernen!

Primary 4 are fantastic French speakers, as well as English! So, this week, for our Modern Languages focus, Miss McLaughlin decided to challenge them to learn some German!

We learned how to say hello/goodbye and introduce ourselves.

We focused on learning German names for pets, to match what we had been learning in French lessons. We found that there were some similarities between English, German and French words. Did you know ‘hamster’ is the same in all three languages?

We made flashcards to teach a friend or partner about pets. We are looking forward to sharing our learning with Primary 5 on Tuesday!

Deutsch ist toll!

Auf Wiedersehen! Bis Bald!

Fraulein McLaughlin & Primary 4



Primary 7 Assembly

Here are the stars of yesterday’s assembly- Primary 7.  They shared what they had learned about World War 2 and told the story of two children who were evacuated to safety.  Thank you for helping us to mark the season of remembrance Primary 7. The picture shows the cast at the end of the show.

Primary 7 with the gas mask models they made
Primary 7 with the gas mask models they made

Children in Need

Please note that children will not be dressing up for Children in Need this week.  We will have a dress up day as usual on the last Friday of the month and this money will be for Children in Need.  The theme will be onesies/pyjamas.

P3 Blog

We have been learning the skills of futsal, which is similar to football but the ball is smaller.  It is very popular in Brazil. Here are some pictures of us showing our skills.

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