Choir tour 2015

Thank you to Pumpherston Community Council for inviting our school choir to sing at their annual Christmas meal.  We had a lovely time at the Golf Club and we hope your guests enjoyed our singing.

The choir did very well, Mrs Hull, Mrs Campbell and Mrs Andison are very proud of them.

Next stop – St John’s hospital tomorrow! ptree1


Police Scotland have released their annual Festive Safety message.   This year’s message is to stay safe whilst Online, Shopping, Partying and at Home. They have provided some important information to help you stay safe this Festive Period.   Click on the following headings to find out more information.


More and more people use online shopping to purchase their Christmas presents as well as taking advantage of sales and events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It’s important to take a couple of precautionary steps when purchasing goods online to keep safe and avoid being targeted by criminals.

It is also important that people understand the dangers of social media and that what you post online, stays online.


The festive period is traditionally the busiest time of the year for shopping and unfortunately, there are those who exploit the festive period for the wrong reasons but it only takes a few simple preventative measures to discourage criminals and stay safe.


Make sure to stay with friends, stick to your plans, have travel arranged and be careful of what you drink. Don’t leave drinks unattended and stay away from drugs, new psychoactive substances or other controlled substances.


A few simple steps such as leaving a light on when you’re out, keeping presents and valuables out of sight, opening and closing curtains at the appropriate time of day and not advertising on social media when you are out helps to keep criminals away.

For more information, click on the following link:

VSE Report

In September the school was subject to a council Validated Self Evaluation (VSE).  The VSE took a broad look at all aspects of school life including leadership, improving performance, planning for teaching, learning and assessment, meeting learners needs and working with partners and the community.  The finding of the process are laid out in a report which has been emailed home and is available to download from the OUR SCHOOL – USEFUL DOCUMENTS – SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT DOCUMENTS tab.  If you cannot access this report by email or through the blog – please ask at the office for a copy.

En Garde with P3!

P3 are keeping fit in lots of different ways! We have been getting futsal, we are trying to do daily exercise by running outside and we now we have been lucky enough to have a fencing taster session. The children had lots of fun trying this sport and have been given leaflets if they would like to do this as an after school activity.


Panto Time

Oh yes we did!
Oh yes we did!

Thank you to Hopscotch Theatre company for our Pantomime performance of Sleeping Beauty today.

We had great fun singing along, shouting at the baddies and cheering on the goodies.

Primary 1 had a vote for their favourite character – the winner was The Jester!

Who was your favourite? What was your favourite part of the story?


Primary 4 Anti-Bullying Learning

Last week was Anti-Bullying week. This means that we had to think extra carefully about what ‘bullying’ meant and helpful advice for those who may be experiencing this.

With Mrs Hull, we have been using the ‘Emotion Works’ resource. We thought about different emotion words, triggers, body sensations we felt, behaviours and how we could make ourselves feel better. We had some FANTASTIC words, such as ‘unstable’ (Boe) and ‘non-confident’ (Lauren).

On Thursday, with Miss McLaughlin, we decided to make an Anti-Bullying display to show our learning. We thought about how being bullied would make us feel. Below are the words we came up with. Can you spot yours?

image1 (2)

Until next time…

Primary 4, Miss M & Mrs Hull 🙂

Anti bullying week – Primary 6

Primary 6 have been thinking about how our emotions and actions can have an impact on our friends and the people around us.  This can be positive and helpful, or negative and sometimes even hurtful.

We thought about times when we free others to be themselves.

Here are some of the fantastic examples:

‘I free people when I tell them to be themselves and be happy.  I free people when I ask them to play with me and smile.  I free people when I tell them ‘Whatever they call you, nasty things, it isn’t true.’ ‘ – Sophie Martin.

‘I free people when I can respect how they are and understand how they are.  I free people when I see they are trying hard to be themselves.  I free people when they stop doing (things) to me and I can understand how or why they’re doing it.’- Sophie Campbell.

West Lothian Council Parent Involvement Survey

Dear parents and carers,

We would be very grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete this online survey from West Lothian Council.  You can access it by clicking this link:


The survey contains only five statements to rate strongly disagree to strongly agree – there is also space to add comments if you wish.  The questions are:

·         Communication is effective between my child’s school and home.

·         My child’s school provides me with the information I need to help my child learn at home.

·         I feel confident supporting my child’s learning at home.

·         I am aware of West Lothian’s complaints procedure.

·         I know how I can become involved in my school’s parent council.

Many thanks,

Steven Eagleson, Headteacher

Los profesores de P6


P6 had a great time learning Spanish during our Modern Languages focus week. They learnt how to introduce themselves and how to tell the time. Playing ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf’ in Spanish was a fun way of practising what they had learnt. Some of our P6s even became teachers (profesores) themselves and taught a group of P5s how to play ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf’ in Spanish too! You can see some pictures of our P6 teachers (profesores) and P5 students (estudiantes) in action below.

P6 now use both French and Spanish in their daily routines and even do maths in French from time to time!

Muchas gracias y adios!

Mrs Cullum and P6


Ready to go!


Que hora es? (What's the time?)
Que hora es?
(What’s the time?)
Almuerzo! (Dinner time!)
(Dinner time!)

P3 Blog

Thank you to everyone who came to our assembly about the Victorians.  We do hope you enjoyed it and that you have learned something about life in Victorian times.

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