P3 Weekly Blog

Last week we were revisiting the compass points which we had learned about in topic.  This time we were doing 1/4 and 1/2 turns from North

in a clockwise direction. This morning we went back outside and we were doing the same turns in an anti clockwise direction.

Primary 4

This week, Primary 4 presented their Climate Zones knowledge to parents, family and friends. Thanks to all that came – we hope you enjoyed it!

We have been exploring time in Maths – minutes past/to the hour (in 5 minute gaps). We found this very tricky so we came up with some tips to help others remember how to find the time:

  • Start with the hour hand (little hand) first – which o’ clock is it closer to? (e.g. 2)
  • Then look at the minutes hand (large hand) – which number is it pointing to? (e.g 4)
  • Next, multiply that number by 5, as we are working in gaps of five minutes (2.20)
  • Finally, work out how many minutes until the next o’ clock (e.g. 2.20 = 40 minutes until 3)

Miss McLaughlin would love it if we could practise this at home.

Many thanks,

Primay 4 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 2/3 Learning

We have had a great week and have been learning more about chocolate and chocolate farming. This has linked to our learning about Fair trade and our class novel Charlie and The Chocolate Factory.  We have completed a very big piece of writing about the process of how chocolate is made and we have illustrated this.  In Art we sketched images of cacao beans and then used chalk pastels to add colour and line to our sketches.  They look very impressive.  We have been making plans for our very own class chocolate shop and we are looking forward to getting started on the shop.

Hope you are having fun helping to make the sweet rooms for our homework challenge.


Gardening Help Needed!

You may have noticed that we have been very busy this session trying to make our playground a more interesting place to play and learn in…

Through help from our parents and other members of the community, we have been able to diversify our playground by adding some ‘loose parts’ (old car tyres) as well as creating walkways made out of tree-stumps and a ‘Roman amphitheatre ‘ for children’s enjoyment.

We would really like to develop our grounds further and we have some great ideas BUT we need your help to do it! If you can help us with any of the following then please let the School Office or Miss Baillie know please. We would be really grateful for any help that anyone could give.

We need:

– Manpower! (Can you or a relative help us with ‘heavy’ or ‘light’ gardening work?)

-Tools (old or new)

-Plant pots/planters/tubs etc

-Old yoghurt pots- washed out and saved for school! (These will allow us to plant seeds)

Many thanks for your on-going support,

Kind wishes,

Miss Baillie

P3 Weekly Blog

As part of our topic we have been learning a new rhyme: never eat shredded wheat! This helps us remember the points of the compass.  Then we went onto Google maps and looked to see what we could find in the North, East, South and West.017 018

Primary 2/3 Learning

Well it’s been a very short week for us this week but we have packed in a lot of learning.  We have learned where chocolate comes from and how it is made.  We used what we learned to write notes – this is tricky as we have to work out the main thing said in each section. Today we were learning how to turn our notes into sentences.  We will continue this next week.

In art we have been learning how to use mixed media to create images of kiwi fruit and we now have a fantastic display in class to show our great masterpieces.

While the Primary threes have been at Fun Fit, the Primary twos have been learning about nouns this week – ask me what a noun is.

We had a great assembly learning more about Fair Trade, which links in to our topic.  the company Lush came to tell us how they use Fair trade and gave us a chance to buy some small items.  The whole hall smelled lovely, just like bath bombs.

Look out for our special homework task next week.

Have a great weekend.

‘Wild About Scotland’ Bus Visits PUSCPS!

Yesterday, PUSCPS was very lucky to receive a visit from the ‘Wild About Scotland’ bus. This bus is run by the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland and is sponsored by the Clydesdale Bank. The bus provides ‘hands-on’ learning opportunities about Scotland’s wildlife and is staffed by a team of education officers from Edinburgh Zoo. P4-7 were treated to a workshop on Scotland’s Endangered Animals and the threats to their existence. Children learned about the re-introduction of  beavers to Scotland and how they were killed in the past for their beautiful coats. Children got to feel a real beaver skin which was very thick, soft and warm. There was a model wildcat on-board to view and children enjoyed learning about this precious species that is unique to Scotland. Children are more aware of  how the activities of man can have an impact on wildlife and its conservation. Children in the afternoon Nursery session were treated to an interactive story and puppet-show about Polly the Puffin, through which, they learned more about this native bird.

Many thanks to Edinburgh Zoo for providing such a wonderful opportunity for our children. They all had a great day!

Miss Baillie

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Primary 4 Assembly

Hello everyone,

I hope you are enjoying the holiday weekend. The Primary 4 assembly is on Thursday 25th February at 1.15pm. Slips were sent home to tell you about it, but in case it has been lost or your child has been absent, here is a little reminder.

Many thanks, and we look forward to seeing you there.

Miss McLaughlin 🙂

Primary 2/3 Learning

We are just in from our Daily Mile and it was very fresh this morning.  We are still enjoying this and are all feeling our fitness improving, including Mrs Andison.  In Handwriting we are learning how to join letters together.  In Art we have been working like artists.  We have been learning to sketch then adding blocks of colour and finally adding the fine detail. We have created fantastic images of kiwi fruits that we are very proud of.  We hope you will admire them at parents night which is coming up soon.  In Maths we have been continuing to learn to tell the time.  At home can you help me to learn to tell the time on a clock face.

Have a great few days rest.  Remember we are not back until Wednesday.

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