Scottish Education Awards 2016

Some lovely news to share with you all after our first week back!

As a school, we submitted a nomination to the Scottish Education Awards for the ‘Parents as Partners in Learning’ category. The work carried out by Sarah-Jane Haston across the school is making such an impact, so we felt that this should be recognised on a much larger scale. Many thanks to Tom Ullathorne and Mr Eagleson who helped with the application process.

Judges are coming to the school tomorrow to talk to staff and pupils about the wonderful work undertaken here. Very few schools made the shortlist and we are so proud that Pumpherston and Uphall Station Community Primary School has been recognised. The winner won’t be announced until nearer the summer, so let’s keep our fingers crossed until then!

I will be sure to keep you all updated!

Miss McLaughlin 🙂

SEA Logo


Great to be back with P2/3

We are so happy to be back for our final term in P2/3.  This week we have been beginning to learn the 10x table (Daniel) in maths as well as revising our number bonds and the 2x and 5x tables (Ava B).

We have been learning about what babies need (Ellie G) as well as looking at baby animals that are like their parents and others that are not like their parents like caterpiller/butterfly, ladybird,  flat fish and frog (Ava F, Abbie, Maja)

We wrote an imaginative story about a giant using the skills we have been learning (Mia).

We are looking forward to the weekend – hope you are too.


P3 Blog

As part of our Geography topic this term we compared the land use of our local area and compared it to Malta.  The children had to create a 3D structure of a luxury beach hotel just like the ones they had seen using Google maps when we were investigating the land use of Malta.

Step 1: select appropriate resources, design the layout and glue it together
Step 1: select appropriate resources, design the layout and glue it together


Step 2: paint your luxury hotel
Step 2: paint your luxury hotel


Step 3: Completed luxury hotel.
Step 3: Completed luxury hotel.
Another finished luxury hotel.
Another finished luxury hotel.
And another luxury beach hotel!
And another luxury beach hotel!

Primary 5 Book Sale

Primary 5 are delighted to announce that they raised £133.85 on Tuesday.  This money will go towards buying some new toys for the playground.

Miss McLennan was very proud of everyone on the day.  They showed fantastic skills in using money as well as persuasive techniques in their sales.

Thank you to everyone for donating books or buying from our stall.

P5 Book Sale

Today P5 had a book sale and they sold a lot of books to different classes.

They had stuck a lot of stickers with prices and made different signs for different types of books.

They carefully priced the books and categorised them.

P5 are raising money for new playground toys.

By Aiden, P5

“I learned how to run a book stall and when I’m older I’ll know how to do it” Hallie

“I learned how to half coins” – Katie C


“It was fun because I was able to count the money” – Lauren

“We learned how to run stalls so when we’re older we can get a good job.  I moved our class spaceship to the employability skill planet!” – Mya McPhail


Primary 4 – Joyeuses Pâques!

This week, Primary 4 have been learning a French Easter story. Lauren and Cerys show you the actions below – have a try yourself!

Le petit lapin…
et les cloches de pâques…
apportent des oeufs en chocolat dans le jardin.
Dans le jardin il y a…
4 oeufs sur l’herbe…
3 oeufs derrière l’arbre…
et 2 oeufs sous les fleurs.

Have a wonderful Easter when it comes.

Primary 4 & Miss M 🙂

Volcanic Eruption in the Nursery!

The children in the Nursery have been curious about volcanoes this week. They worked together to build volcanoes in the sand on Wednesday and yesterday we had an erupting volcano.  We saw bubbles in the water tray that were just like lava!

march 17 010 (2) march 17 013

Mrs Ness and Mrs Hardie

Parent Council – Wednesday 23 March 6:30pm

PUSCPS Parent Council LogoThe Parent Council is first and foremost a forum for discussion.  It is organised and run by parents and parents take on roles of Chair, Secretary, etc.  Parents/carers are welcome to come and be involved.  It is important that we are all involved in discussing the work of the school.
Parent Council Meetings are approximately every six weeks and are informal and open.  If you have anything you would wish to discuss these can be shared with the Parent Council by email – ( and can be added to the agenda.
If you are interested in taking part the next meeting is on Wednesday 23rd March at 6:30pm.  We look forward to seeing some of you there.
Steven Eagleson
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