P6 Pond in a Pot

P6 have been out enjoying the sunshine with Sarah-Jane again this afternoon working on creating our ‘Pond in a Pot’.

First, we checked the pots that we had previously left out to collect rain water. Unfortunately, all the water we had collected had disappeared! We knew, from learning about the water cycle, that this was because it had evaporated thanks to all the lovely warm, sunny weather we have had recently. Luckily, Sarah-Jane had come prepared with some rain water so we were still able to make our pond.

We filled the pot with rocks and sticks to give animals areas to hide and also to allow them to move in and out of the pond more easily. After that we added a variety of plants to the pond. Some were oxygenating plants that float in the water and others were planted in soil. We had fun examining them and noticing the differences between water plants and non-water plants.

Once we added the water, our pond was finished. Now, we just need to wait patiently too see how the plants grow and which creatures come to visit!

Our pond is located on the P6 decking, please be careful around it. You are very welcome to have a look but please don’t touch it.

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Primary 4

This week, Primary 4 started their new Weather-themed topic!

We are learning about how the weather affects our daily lives, how to measure/record weather and how to create our very own weather reports!

We looked at the different tools that make up a weather station – a barometer (pressure), a thermometer (temperature), a wind vane (wind direction), an anemometer (wind speed) and a rain gauge (precipitation). We made wind vanes on Wednesday afternoon and tested them in the playground. Using the orchard as North, we found that the wind was blowing in a Southwesterly direction. We were also able to apply our recent learning about compass points.

Have a look at how we got on!

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Until next time…

Primary 4 & Miss M 🙂

P2/3 Learning

Well it has been a very quick week this week but we’ve managed to pack quite a lot of learning in.

Mia – we have been learning about using greater than, less than and is equal to symbols in Maths.

Rosa – we have been learning how to use doubles to work out near double sums.

Ellie G – in PE we have been learning how to jump. We learned to do a standing jump, the high jump and the hurdles.

Oskars – in spelling we have been learning magic ‘e’ words and contractions.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and get some good weather.

Mrs Andison and Primary 2/3


P3 Weekly Blog

We have started our new topic which is weather. Even though it is Spring last week we saw lots of different types of weather! There was sunshine (not much!), snow showers, hailstones and heavy rain! Mrs Campbell is so good she can even organise the weather! Oh if that could be true!

‘ I enjoyed giving my weather forecast to the class. I used weather symbols to show the different types of weather, I used numbers to show the temperature and I had to use the correct vocabulary.’ Owen

We looked at the work of Claude Monet. We discussed how the painting made us feel. Then we produced our own painting of the Sunrise.

‘ I learned how to mix different colours to create my sunrise painting’ Jay

‘ I learned how to use different colours’ Ryan

‘I reminded everyone how to make colours from primary colours’ Kelly

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