Primary 5

Welcome back to school!

Seven weeks have passed and P4 have transitioned into P5! We are very excited about what this year will bring and looking forward to learning lots of new things.

We have spent this week looking at rules and rights to help us make our new class charter! We have picked our new class representatives too (see below). We are settling into our new room and new stage well 🙂 Keep checking our blog posts throughout the year to see what we are learning.

Until next time…

Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

Rights Respecting Schools – Jonathan
Eco – Lauren
Magale – Calum
Pupil Council – Kamila

Do you read this blog?


A warm welcome back to session 2016/2017.  School begins for all pupils on Tuesday 23rd August and we look forward to seeing you all then.

We are interested in how many of our families access the information on this blog.  We use it for information throughout the session and all classes post learning blogs.  We would love to see more people posting comments on the blogs and engaging with the learning shown here.

If you read and use this blog, please let us know by commenting on this post – it will help us to know who is seeing our posts.

Many thanks.

Steven Eagleson

Summer Holiday

School has now closed for the summer. Thank you for all your support this session. We will see all the pupils back on Tuesday 23 August.

Have a good summer.

Steven Eagleson.

Medication in school

All medication currently held in school must be collected from the office – by an adult – by tomorrow afternoon. Any remaining medication will be disposed of according to NHS guidelines.

Lunchtime on the field

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Today the P5, P6 and P7 pupils had the choice to spend lunchtime on the field.  They had great fun with all the extra space.  They played football without getting in the way of others.  They climbed the bank and played among the trees (and nettles!) and they climbed trees – safely.   Mr Eagleson worked with the groups to chat about the dangers and how to keep themselves safe and we will continue these conversations as the good weather continues.


You can support us at home by discussing with your children how to keep safe by judging and managing risk.  We reinforce that they should be in sight of an adult, never try to flip or “acrobat” jump down a hill. Only climb into trees as high as your shoulder is off the ground.  We have established a border with the tree line at the top of the bank.


On Monday 20th June our nursery children participated in a graduation ceremony to prepare for moving into our Primary 1 classes next session. The children sat perfectly on the stage and loved singing songs and nursery rhymes to their parents/carers. They posed for pictures with their certificate and a book. Thank you to all parents/carers who came along to support their children.

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P3 Weekly Blog

On Monday 20th of June we went to the Highland Games at Broxburn Academy.  We did lots of activities like the sack race, football, soft javelin, hockey dribbling, hoop skipping, hurdle jumps, space hoppers, chair hoop, bean bag throw and a ladder run.  We really enjoyed ourselves. The space hoppers were the most popular.

Primary 2/3 Learning

Well another busy week here in P2/3 with lots of different activities going on.

Oskars -Primary 2s are still enjoying Futsal which teaches us different football skills.

Summer – P3s are looking forward to going on a trip on Monday to a Highland Games event.

Darcy – In Art we have been learning about watercolours and have been painting our own watercolour backgrounds.

Abbie – We looked at some of Claude Monet’s watercolours to get some ideas.

Maja – In Science we learned more about the watercycle.

Next week we are looking forward to seeing the production of The Jungle Book in school.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Andison and Primary 2/3

P5 & P6 Sky Sports Living for Sport Day

P5 and P6 had a fun filled day at Xcite Craigswood today at the Sky Sports Living for Sports Day. They got to take part in lots of different activities including judo, football and rugby, as well as learning about healthy eating and hearing inspirational stories from professional athletes.

During the day, all the schools were given points for their behaviour, enthusiasm and teamwork and… WE WON! All the children tried their best, were respectful towards staff and some even helped clean up after lunch. They couldn’t have done a better job at representing PUSCPS and all the staff were very proud of them. Well done P5 and P6!

Here is a picture of their trophy and some action shots from the day.

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