This week we wanted to show you some of the ways we practise our writing! We don’t always use a pen. The boys and girls here are showing you one of the fun activities we use.
Primary 1/2
Primary 1/2 have been learning about 2D shapes in Maths this week. We went on a shape walk around the school and discovered that shapes are all around us! We can also talk about the properties of shapes by describing how many sides and corners they have.
We have begun learning about toys as part of our topic for this term. This week we illustrated and labelled the toys we like to play with today and talked about the materials they are made from. We gathered up a selection of toys from the classroom and found that they were made from either plastic, wood, metal or fabric. Most of the toys we have are made from plastic but we noticed that there are different types of plastic. Next week, we are looking forward to finding out about toys from the past.
What have P6 been learning this week?
To keep you up to date with our learning, Lauren and Freya have put together some key points about what P6 have been learning about this week:
- Science: We were learning about the heart, it was exciting.
- PE: We have been playing basketball and learning how to pivot.
- Maths Talk: We have been learning to make friendly numbers to help us add.
- Writing: We have been learning how to use VCOP in our writing.
Next week, P6 will be carrying out the Hands Up Scotland survey on behalf of the school. Make sure you check the blog to see how they get on with it!
Mrs Cullum and P6
P.S. Some of the P6s have taken on the role of teacher and held their own Maths Talk during Golden Time! Have a look at the photograph below to see them in action
Primary 1
Primary 1 have been ordering their numbers to 5 this week and practising our number formation. Our first topic in Primary 1 is Toys and we wrote about what our favourite toy was . We also learned about the different types of materials that toys are made from.
Peyton: Some toys are made from plastic like my zoomer.
Isla: I have lots of mermaids and I love to play with them.
Tyler: I have hundreds of hot wheels and they are made of metal.
Finlay: I like to play with building blocks.
We All Wear School Uniform at PUSCPS
School Uniform is an important part of our ethos and culture here at PUSCPS. Â Wearing the uniform confirms us as part of a team. Â It raises standards of behaviour and effort and limits opportunities for pupils comparing clothes which can lead to bullying. Â Please make sure your child is following the uniform policy:
- grey or black trousers or skirt,
- white polo shirt or a white shirt and tie,
- blue school sweatshirt or cardigan (black for P7)
- sensible shoes.Â
- appropriate jacket
- We discourage trainers.
- No high heals or open toed shoes allowed.
- Skirts of appropriate length
- No jeans, leggings or football colours.
- No make up or jewellery (simple stud earings are acceptable)
The grannie of one of our P3 pupils, Rosa, has made a school uniform for her bear – C-Star. Â So even the teddies can wear uniform.
P 2/3 Weekly Blog
Welcome to P 2/3! We would like to share with you what we have been learning since we came back from our holidays. We have been very busy!
We have been learning some different spelling activities to help us remember our new spelling patterns.
‘We can do pyramid spelling’ James
‘ We can do blue vowel spelling’ Eve
‘ We can do rainbow spelling’ Aiesha
‘In maths we have been counting up to 100 and counting back from 20’ Eilidh
‘In science we have been discovering what creatures live in the woodland’ Jaxson
We have also been reminding ourselves about our school rules and how we should treat each other while we are at school. We have all worked together to make our P 2 / 3 class charter.
Primary 1/2
This week, Primary 1/2 have been learning about children’s rights. We know that we have the right to be safe and the right to learn. Next week, we are going to work together to decide on what we will do as a class to make sure that everyone’s rights are respected.
In Maths this week, Primary 1 have been practising their number formation and learning to count objects accurately. Primary 2 have been ordering numbers and finding the number before and after.
We also had a great time with Mrs Andison today, tasting and finding out about some of the vegetables we have grown in our school garden.
Primary 1’s busy week!
We have been learning our first letter sounds in class and can already make some words! Next week we get to take our sounds home so we can practise our word building. Here is what some of the children said about this week.
Layla: I liked building words on the magnetic boards.
Sophie-Rose:We talked about how we have a right to be safe. I drew a picture of me walking smartly in the classroom.
Kayden: I am getting good at writing my number 2.
Primary 5
We are steadily getting ourselves back into routine. Here are some of the things we enjoyed learning this week:
Lauren: I enjoyed making our characters for our class charter.
Cerys: Learning how to find 100 more or less. I’ve been practising at home too.
Lachlan: I enjoyed using rights to make our class charter.
Andrew: I enjoyed my Word Wizard job during group reading.
Oliwia: Making muffins using vegetables we grew in the garden.
Boe: Making predictions about my group reading book.
Rebecca: Learning how to use doubles to find near doubles.
Below is a photo of our new class charter. We have used our Class Dojo monsters to make up the display.
Until next time…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂
P6 Are Back and Ready To Learn!
We have had a busy first couple of weeks in P6. Everyone has settled in well and we are all ready to learn! Miai and Iona have written a little bit to fill you in on what we have been up to so far:
- Rights: we have been focusing on our rights and responsibilities to make an excellent pupil in P6.
- Data handling: this week in class we have been learning about data handling so that we could take on a job for Miss Morrison.
- Topic: we have started a new topic on the Jacobites. We started researching on Thursday to find out facts about the Jacobites.
Keep following our blog to see more about what we get up to in P6!
Mrs Cullum and P6