Primary 1/2

In Science this week, we have been learning all about the different materials things can be made from and the properties that they have.

We sorted items in the classroom by the material they were made from and we investigated which materials will float and which will sink at the water tray.

Below are some of things we discovered:

Lewis – ‘Stones sink.’

Jack – ‘You can get things made from fabric, wood, metal and plastic.’

Olivia – ‘Money sinks.’

Liam – ‘Toy cars are made from plastic. You can twist plastic.’

Aiden – ‘Some plastic things float but not heavy ones.’

Our next step is find out how different materials are used in the world and what purposes they are best suited for. We will then use what we have learned to design and create our own toy.

School Improvement Planning

Every year we produce a document to look back at the year and describe the progress we’ve made; this is our SSES (School Self Evaluation Summary).  The SSES then helps us prepare our plans for the coming year and what we need to work on to continually improve; this is our SIP (School Improvement Plan).

I have uploaded this sessions full SSES and SIP to the blog in the section – Our School – Useful Documents.  To make it easier to see at a glance we have created a one page summary of our SIP and I attach this below.  It should give you an idea of the areas we are working to improve this session.  All planned priorities are focussed on the over-arching aim of raising attainment for all learners.


P6 Weekly Update

This has been a short but very active week for P6! On Wednesday we started hockey with Mrs Cullum in PE, on Thursday we had a whole school Daily Mile and on Friday we had basketball with Ms Pender in PE. Throughout all of this, we have been monitoring our breathing and heart rate to recognise how exercise affects our bodies. This links to our learning about the circulatory system in science.

A special mention to our cross country runners who have really been pushing themselves in the Daily Mile in preparation for their competition next week. Keep it up and good luck for Wednesday!

Mrs Cullum and P6

Primary 1/2

Primary 1/2 have been learning Polish phrases. We practised saying ‘hi’, ‘good morning’ and ‘bye’ with our friends. We made some pictures to show what we have learnt. Do you know what the people in the pictures are saying?

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As part of our Social Studies topic, Mrs Liddell came to visit us with a box of toys from the past. We learnt all about the materials old toys were made from and discussed how they had changed. The teddy in the picture below is very old! It used to be white and is stuffed with sawdust! We each chose our favourite old toy and wrote about it at writing time.

a gird and cleek
a gird and cleek
a toy clown was made from paper and glue
a toy clown, made from paper and glue
a white teddy stuffed with sawdust
a white teddy stuffed with sawdust

Primary 1

P1 have been learning some simple Italian phrases as part of our focus on Languages this week. We also found out about popular Italian foods and made our own pizza and pasta on paper plates!

As part of our Toys topic this week, we had a special visitor in school from the Toy Museum who brought in old toys for us to learn about and play with. We had great fun!


Primary 5


This week, Primary 5 started their new topic – Life in a Burgh town! We built up a Burgh town on our classroom wall and used collage to create our own medieval characters.

“I enjoyed drawing and painting my character/the Burgh animals and learning the different parts of the Burgh town.” Boe

“I enjoyed learning about the Burgh town and making my character.” Oliwia

“I enjoyed making the Mercat Cross for our Burgh town.” Kristina

“My favourite part was using the different fabrics to make my character.” Lauren

“I enjoyed drawing and painting my market stall.” Cerys

We also found out about our new Technologies project from Miss McLaughlin and Sarah-Jane. We are going to build a medieval market! We worked in groups and began to plan each of our stalls (the blacksmith, the tanner/butcher, the potter/weaver, the baker and the grocer).

Keep checking in to see how we are getting on!

Until next time…

Primary 5 & Miss McLaughlin 🙂




Shared Languages Week in P6

This week we have had a focus on languages in school and in P6 we learnt Spanish. We listened to native speakers and practised saying some Spanish words. We noticed that lots of letter sounds were the same in Spanish but there were a few that we had to watch out for like z, c, rr and ll.

Then we learnt how to describe people in Spanish. When we were doing this, we had to be careful to make sure we changed the ending of our adjectives to masculine ‘o’ or feminine ‘a’ depending on who we were describing. This made a link to what we have learnt about masculine and feminine words in French.

After that, we used what we had learnt to describe famous Spanish speakers, including Pablo Picasso, Queen Letizia of Spain, Fernando Torres, Shakira and Rafael Nadal. We talked about which countries other than Spain have Spanish as their national language, for example Columbia, where Shakira is from. P6 produced some excellent pieces of writing to describe these people in Spanish!

Finally, Katie, Mya, Miai and Oskar teamed up with Boe, Lauren and Oliwia from P5 to share what they had learnt. P5 had been learning the words for family members in Italian so the P6s taught them how to describe their family members in Spanish. You can see them working together in the photographs below.


Mrs Cullum and P6

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September Break

Remember that the school will be closed on Monday and Tuesday for a local holiday and a teacher in-service day.  Pupils in school and nursery resume on Wednesday 21 September.

Steven Eagleson

Help us communicate with you

On Tuesday we offered an information evening to find out how you can work with us to help your children learn.  The class teachers also offered information on what and how they will be teaching this session, how you can help and how you can support at home.

Unfortunately the turnout was only 22%,  the lowest we’ve ever had for an information evening.  Naturally, we’re asking ourselves why.

We would greatly appreciate you taking 5 minutes to complete a short survey to help us understand why this evening was unsuccessful and how we can make changes in the future to better meet all of our needs.




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