We have been learning all about mummification!
When ancient Egyptians  died they made them into a mummy ready for the afterlife. Ancient Egyptians believed there was an afterlife after you died.
Pumpherston and Uphall Station CPS Blog
A place for news, information and sharing learning from PUSCPS
We have been learning all about mummification!
When ancient Egyptians  died they made them into a mummy ready for the afterlife. Ancient Egyptians believed there was an afterlife after you died.
Thank you for your donations today for Jak’s Den. The pupils love Dress Down Day and it helps raise awareness of the need to help others.
Isla: We wrote a story about the magic hat. I can write mat and rat by myself.
Sorley: We looked at some old toys. I got to bring my mums toy record player to school.
Lewis:Â Â We sorted old and new toys.
Anastasia. We were throwing and catching. I got the beanbag through the hoop.
This week’s update comes from Hallie, Katie C and Lauren:
Mrs Cullum and P6
The PSFA (Parent’s Staff and Friends Association) is a small group of parents who meet when required to plan and share out tasks to organise fun events which your children enjoy. Â This included the Christmas Fayre, the Discos at Halloween and Summer and the P7 Prom among others.
The money raised supports your children in a variety of ways including funding licenses for educational software and subsidising all school trips.
Over the last few years membership has dwindled to a very small 3 or 4 who have continued to work hard to support your children. Â Currently the PSFA cannot continue to organise the same events, nor plan any new ones, without your help. Â Please come along to our PSFA AGM on Wednesday 5 October at 4:15 in the dining hall and see how, with even a small amount of time, you can support the experiences of all of our children.
Without more members the PSFA will not be able to continue as it has previously. Â IF NOT YOU? THEN WHO?Â
and Steven Eagleson
I hope that those that were able to attend the P7 Camp Information presentation found the information useful. Â For those that could not attend please find a copy of the presentation below.
Click the blue link: Â Â 2016-09-22-p7-camp-presentation-kingswood
Remember that to secure a place we need a deposit by Monday.
Olivia P was helping us to  learn some Polish words to describe our feelings.  We drew pictures showing our feelings and some of the pictures had the feelings in English and some of the pictures had the feelings in Polish. We played a feelings matching game.  We showed P3 how to play our game.  P3 showed us how to play their game.  The P3 matching game showed pictures of animals and their names were in Spanish.
The September newsletter is now available.  This is available from the newsletter section of this blog (Click here).  The newsletter has been emailed and, for those that have requested it, a copy is in your child’s bag.
Please ensure we have an up-to-date email address for communication.
Steven Eagleson
Susan Comrie and her husband Robert first came to our school through their charity work for Magale, a contact which was set up by Mrs Stachan. Mrs Comrie was overwhelmed by the generosity of the children and the community with the response to the Magale appeal she asked if she could come and volunteer. We were only too delighted to take her up on this kind offer. Mrs Comrie is a retired maths teacher and once a week we are lucky enough to have her helping with groups of children throughout the school. Â She is impressed with the enthusiasm the children have towards maths and she thoroughly enjoys her time here.
This week, Primary 5Â have been exploring creation stories! We know that different people believe different things about how the world was created, so we discussed what we thought and looked at what some religions believed.
We read the Christian creation story and  made it into a comic strip. Here are some examples of our work below.
We also learned that many religions believe that a God created the universe, but that Buddhists don’t believe that. They believe that the universe has always existed. Â We watched a clip explaining how Hindus believe that universe was created and found that to be a very different story! We found that Hindus believe God has three jobs (Creator, Carer and Destroyer) and that they think the Earth came from the petals of a lotus flower, which came from their God’s bellybutton! It is really interesting to see what different people believe and Miss McLaughlin was very impressed at how respectful we were about each other’s opinions.
Until next time…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂