Primary 5

This week, Primary 5 have been extending their knowledge of 3D shapes. In Primary 4, we learned that 2D shapes could make 3D nets and ‘skeletons’. So, we decided to use our knowledge of shape properties to create some more. Here are some of the shapes we created:

1 2 3 4 5

We did run into a problem – although we had the correct number of faces, edges and vertices, we couldn’t make our shapes join accurately. So, we thought about why this might be. We realised how important it is to measure shape edges and re-made our designs using accurate measurements. This meant our ‘skeletons’ would join together easily and we could add tabs to our nets to glue them.

Next week, we are going to be looking at angles. Check in with us to see what we have learned.

Until next time…

Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 1/2

In Science this week, we have been learning about the sun and the earth. Primary 1 drew pictures of the sun after looking at photographs of the sun in space. Primary 2 drew a picture of the sun and the earth, showing how the earth turns to make day and night.

The day after our Halloween disco, we imagined what we might see inside a spooky house and wrote a story at writing time.

In Maths this week, we have been learning how to tell the time. We took a big clock outside to help us play ‘What’s the time, Mr Wolf?’ in the playground and we tried our best to match different clock faces to the correct times as quickly as we could.

What is bullying?

Pumphie Pals this week looked at bullying.  This term we’re launching our NOT IN OUR SCHOOL programme to help pupils deal with bullying.  We will be seeking views from home on this tricky subject later.

Dress Down Day



Yes Spongebob. Yes it is.

Tomorrow is the last Friday of the month. By long-standing tradition this is “Dress-Down Day” at PUSCPS. Children may wear non-uniform but no football colours or strips.

Dress-Down Day usually involves pupils bringing a small donation to charity. Often £1. This helps pupils learn the importance of thinking of others before ourselves. A hugely important part of learning to be a responsible citizen of the world.

We select charities based on pupil interest and suggestions from home. If there is a charity particularly close to your heart you would like to nominate, please let us know. Last year we supported a pregnancy charity, an Alzheimer’s charity and Jak’s Den because of suggestions from our community. We regularly support our partner school in Magale, Uganda.

Tomorrow’s Dress-Down Day is just for fun no donation is required.

many thanks,

Steven Eagleson


Hallowe’en Discos

A huge thank you to our amazing PSFA for their organisation of tonight’s discos.

There was a great turnout and pupils had a wonderful time.

Thanks to everyone for their efforts

Steven Eagleson.

P6 Class Trip – Jacobites in Edinburgh

P6 had a great time on their class trip to Edinburgh this week. They learnt lots about what life as a Jacobite would have been like and even created their own Jacobite shelters. All the children behaved really well and were congratulated on this by the trip leader. Mrs Cullum was very proud of how they represented the school, both in their behaviour and in how they demonstrated their learning. Well done P6!

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Please complete the Parent Council’s short survey

PUSCPS Parent Council Logo

Hello parents / carers.
Members of the Parent Council (PC) are currently considering how we can improve the effectiveness and impact of the PC. We recognise that there is much that can be achieved when we work together with the school and parents, and we want to build on this. To do this, we need a clear work plan and to create opportunities for, and support parent involvement. So, we’ve put together a questionnaire to gather your views – which we hope will give us some direction and a sense of how parents would like to be involved. It should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.  You can access the survey here:
If you would prefer to receive a paper copy of the survey to complete, please request a copy via email.
Once we have received your answers, we’ll let you know the priorities we’ll be focussing on throughout the school year and the next steps for your chosen level of involvement.
Thank you in advance for completing the survey.
Best wishes from
“The Parent Council”
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