PUSCPS Facebook


We are always looking for ways to improve communication.  We use this blog daily and this is still our primary means of communicating learning and information.  The blog feeds all posts straight to our Twitter page. We also regularly send messages by email, and by text, we send home newsletters monthly and sometimes notes in bags.

We have now set up a Facebook page for the school.  this will be mostly linked posts from the blog which will offer another way of keeping up to date.

This use of Facebook is a trial and we are keen for it to work.  Feel free to like and share posts from the page but note that comments are not read and will not be responded to.

Click the link below to visit our new page on Facebook or search for PUSCPS or Pumpherston & Uphall Station CPS page on Facebook.





Bullying Attitudes Survey

niosAs part of our current work on anti-bullying we would like to gather as many parent/carer views on this difficult subject as possible.  These views will help us plan our policy going forward.

We have already consulted pupils and are currently planning work around bullying for our Anti-Bullying Shared Focus Week on the 28th November.

Please take a moment to complete the survey below.

Click here to share your thoughts on bullying.

Primary 1


 Jack: We found out about things that need electricity and how to keep safe. Never put your fingers near the socket.

Caitlin: I’ve been counting forwards and backwards and adding groups to see how much I have altogether.

James: Zoolab came and I saw a turtle and snake. I touched the snake.

Sorley: We have made a hospital in the class. I am a Doctor and Kyle was the patient.


P 2 / 3 Weekly Blog

When we were making our Ancient Egyptian houses we were learning how to work collaboratively. What does this mean?

‘ This means that we help each other’ Layla

‘ It means that we work together to make our houses’ Lewis

‘ We had to listen to everyone’s ideas’ Eve

Remembrance Sunday

Today we remember the ultimate sacrifice paid by so many in both World Wars and in other wars since. On behalf of the school I walked in the parade through Broxburn and was helped by Lewis Patterson in P7 who laid our wreath.

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Primary 5

This week, Primary 5 took control of their learning!

Our new topic is based around Democracy, so as well as deciding what we wanted to learn, we planned how we wanted to learn too! Miss McLaughlin gave us the skills we would be focusing on, so we tried to come up with ways in which we could achieve them!

Here is what we came up with:

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Now, Miss McLaughlin will put the ideas together and build our Democracy topic! Check in to see how we get on.

Until next time…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

Remembrance Sunday


Just a reminder that tomorrow is Remembrance Sunday. There is a parade planned from Broxburn Church by the Swimming Pool leaving at 1:15. This ends at Strathbrock Centre where the service will be held at the War Memorial at approximately 2pm. I will lay a wreath on behalf of the school. It would be great to see you there.

Regards, Steven Eagleson

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