Our new breakfast club is a great success, and I have to say the smell of toast wafting through the school first thing in the morning is a delight to come in to. The breakfast club was initially for P1-P3 but has recently been extended to include P4-P7.
Breakfast for children in P1-P3 is free and those in P4-P7 have to pay a nominal cost of 50p each day. Breakfast includes toast or cereal from an extensive range, fruit juice, milk or water to drink and a choice of fruit, yoghurt or fromage frais. Very good value for 50p
It starts at 8.15 am in the morning. Unfortunately we cannot allow pupils into the school prior to that as there is no facility to supervise them, so it’s best not to send them out too early. Last entry to breakfast is at 8.30 am to allow the children time to finish their food before the bell goes.
If your child is interested in attending breakfast club at any point please collect a form from the school office or check our Information for Parents page where a downloadable copy is available. Attendance does not have to be every day or even every week, though if you could let us know roughly which days suit you that would be helpful.