Primary 6 say farewell

This week in Primary 6 has been bittersweet – we have had lots of fun but are having to say goodbye to our teachers. Miss Anderson loved her assembly this afternoon – there were tears of joy and of sadness. She was delighted with her awards, flowers and cards. Never before has she had a song written and performed for her! Thank-you to the pupils and staff for organising such a fun afternoon, it was definitely memorable.


We have finished learning about keeping safe and growing up, Miss Anderson has been impressed with how mature and sensible pupils in Primary 6 can be. Next term will be another opportunity to demonstrate this whilst working with our Nursery Buddies. We will find out who we are paired with on the first Thursday back after the Easter break.


So for the last time – goodbye from Primary 6 and Miss Anderson, we hope you all have a lovely holiday!


Primary 6 Safely Observe the Solar Eclipse

This morning Primary 6 enjoyed taking part in celebrating the solar eclipse. Because it wasn’t safe to look at the sun we decided to make a sound recording. When we listened back it was definitely quieter, with fewer birds chirping. We also set up a stop motion recording to see how the light changed from start to end of the eclipse. We hope to upload this video soon.

We spent quite a bit of time learning more about solar eclipses. We worked with a partner to create a poster or leaflet with more information. These are on display on our classroom window so please take a look next time you are passing by.

Next  week we are going to start learning about staying safe and we will complete the Keeping Myself Safe programme. The following week we are going to learn more about babies and growing up.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend,


Miss Anderson & P6

Primary 6

“ItWe can’t believe that it has been almost a fortnight since our class assembly. We had such a great time writing and performing our assembly to the audience. The class enjoyed performing our song about the Amazon called The River is Moving. We hope our audience enjoyed all the songs.

Today we should be at Broxburn Academy for a STEM day. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Because of the snow this event has been cancelled so we have been having fun with our own STEM day in class. So far we have created layered images using computer technologies and built machines using K’Nex. So far the day has been a big thumbs up. We still have a few more activities to complete.

In Maths news the Blue and Green groups have been learning about BODMAS. We know that we look for brackets first and then multiplication and division. If you don’t follow the BODMAS rules then you will get the WRONG answer most of the time. The Red group have been working on rounding. We are all very good at rounding down to the nearest 10 and will be working on rounding up.

With Mrs McCulloch we have been learning about drawing, painting and using ink. Miss Anderson can’t believe what talented artists we are. Here are a few examples of our beautiful work.




Photography by Nia and Oktawia

The Jaguars are now reading Vicky Angel by Jacqueline Wilson. Some of the group thought that this is a book for girls only but now someone in the group is desperate to read ahead! It just goes to show that you should never judge a book by its cover!
“It’s too good!” review by Ryan


We love getting comments so if you enjoyed reading this please leave us a message!

Miss Anderson and P6

Primary 5 Weekly Blog

Last week Primary 5 were very busy learning about lots of different things.

We combined Topic, Art and Technologies to design and draw our own landscape pictures. We had to search for images taken in Sierra Leone and then use our skills in drawing. Most of us enjoyed using curved and straight lines to recreate our chosen scene.

In PE with Mrs Pender we have been learning a new dance and we think that the music is really good. Unfortunately we are not allowed to share the name of the song but it is a very upbeat song and  we have lots of great moves. One of our moves is to stop with our hands pressed against a wall, another is to drop down to the floor. We can’t give away any more clues! We are looking forward to starting African Dance with Mrs Campbell.

Our Maths theme is division and each group is learning to divide numbers. It can be quite tricky to divide and learning times tables off by heart really helps to make dividing easier. We have been learning different strategies to help (but will keep learning our tables).

We all have a Didbook diary that we can add our reflections to. This means that we do not need to write in our Reflection Jotters anymore.We also have a profile that we can update to show what we want to learn in the future.

It is not long until we head off to camp. Kingswing here we come…

Until next week,

Primary 5



Primary 6 Meetings

This week and last we have had a Class Meeting. This is an opportunity for everyone in the class to get together and discuss issues that have been raised throughout the week. We discussed different ways to make sure that we stay on track, in terms of behaviour and work. As a class we decided to start Behaviour Buddies. Everyone will have a Behaviour Buddy and everyone will be a Behaviour Buddy. On Thursday we plan to take part in a few trust building exercises.

In Maths the Red group have been working with 3 and 4 times tables. We have been using concrete materials to help but are becoming much more able to remember out times tables facts. The Blue and Green group have been learning about Prime Numbers and Factors. So far we are all able to identify factors and we know how to explain if a number is Prime. We are nearly ready to move on to our next topic so watch this space.

We have started our Rivers topic. Each of our activity groups has chosen a river to research in preparation for our assembly (19th Feb – save the date!). We have already rewritten famous songs and have started planning and writing our Dramas. We don’t expect to need too many costumes for our assembly but will let you know if this changes.

We are really enjoying Art and are demonstrating excellent skills with paint and pencil. We will be moving onto printing next.

That’s all for now – we hope to give another update later on this week.

Miss Anderson and P6


PS Because it is our Assembly fortnight and we have  a few days off, the homework handed out tomorrow will be for the following Friday (20th Feb). This will allow all children to enjoy their time off and have a bit of spare time to learn words for our assembly.

Primary 6 learn about the rivers in Scotland

This week we have been thinking about what we know about rivers and what we want to know. We learned about different rivers in Scotland and made our own maps of Scotland to show the main rivers. We also wrote descriptions for a partner to work out what river was being described.


This week the Blue and Green groups have been dividing with and without remainders. We have also started to learn about factors and will be revisiting this next week.

The Red group are sharing equally and continuing to practise times tables. 



This week we have been developing our inference skills in reading. We are getting really good at using clues to learn more about the story or about the characters. We also recited our Scots poems. Our class winners were Nia, Jordan and Emma C. 

Primary 6 Poets


This week we have taken home our Scots Poems to learn for the whole school recital. We chose from a selection of 3 poems and Miss Anderson is really looking forward to our class performances next week.

We also learned more about similes and metaphors, writing a few of our own. Some of these were very effective and others were funny!

Our spelling words this week were Scots words, some of which we already knew and some which we had to learn the English translations.


This week the Red group have been learning more about multiplying by 3. Next steps will be to learn more about multiplying by 6 and then 9.

The Blue and Green groups have been dividing, learning a new strategy (repeated subtraction using a number line). This has proven to be very successful and next steps will be to use the same process for numbers that are not multiples (ie numbers that will leave a remainder).

Our Maths Talk was fun this week – we had a quick reminder of the different ways we could share our learning.


Do you know how food is digested? Primary 6 do because we learned more about the digestive system this week.
Fun Fact – Sloths have a very slow digestive process and they can go a whole week without going to the toilet!

We also learned more about the process of breathing.

Expressive Arts

Our focus for Scots week is the Scottish Colourists. We have learned a little about Samuel Peploe but are going to learn much more next week.

We still enjoy learning Indian dancing and will have two more weeks of dance before moving on.

We have a new Class Dojo high scorer – well done Ellie. Last term we enjoyed a games day (thanks to Emma C) and are looking forward to an Anne Frank day (Nia), extra Art (Ellie) and Football day (Emma S).  Nia is our high scorer of the week.

Fingers crossed for calmer weather next week.

Miss Anderson and P6

Scots Homework for P6 and P7

Mr Eagleson has set special homework for Primary 6 and 7 pupils. This homework is to find out what the Scots words in Auld Lang Syne mean in English. Some of the words are trickier because they are rarely used these days.

Good luck (or should that be guid luck!).

Primary 6 – It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

What a week! It has been another busy old week in Primary 6. Here are a few of the things that we have been learning about.

Maths/Modern Languages

We have been busy collecting information about attitudes towards Modern Languages learning. We have collected answers from all classes and are still busy putting this information into spreadsheets so that we can make graphs. The reason that we are collecting this information is so that we can apply for money to buy iPads, which would be used to enhance learning in Modern Languages. We really hope that the information we collect is good enough!

Christmas Party!

We had a brilliant time at the upper school Christmas party – lots of dancing, games and winners. Special thanks go to Miss Heatherill for purchasing refreshments, Mrs Ross for purchasing biscuits, our fantastic team of Pupil Support Workers for laying out the feast, P4-7 teachers and to Mr Eagleson for organising. All pupils were well behaved and smiling!

Golden Time Treat

It was the Golden Time treat this week – most of the class really enjoyed watching Nativity 2 – thanks to Miss Baillie for organising this treat for us. Those of us who didn’t make it will be trying extra hard to keep all our Golden Time next term.


This week we were inspired by a lego image. We used this image to type stories straight onto Glow.

If you want to write a story inspired by this image you can log into Glow and go to this link to share a story or your own.

Miss Anderson and P6

Glow Scotland

This week your child will bring home their Glow username and password. The weblink for Glow is and it can be accessed through any device with an internet connection. As well as lots of educational resources, Glow provides access to your child’s school email account and Office 365. This allows your child to use Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint from anywhere with an internet connection, even if it is not installed on their device.

Once your child has successfully logged in they will be able to access the Apps available (including Brainpop and TigTag World). They will also be able to access the School Site by clicking on the App as pictured below.

At the moment the School Site is being developed and will contain more content as time goes on.

When your child logs on for the first time they will need to agree to the following Glow Community Rules:

Be Secure

Always keep your Glow password to yourself.

Always sign out of Glow when no longer using it.

Be Polite

Always treat others with respect.

Never post or share a message, document, image, video or any other other content that is inappropriate or likely to cause harm or offence to others.

Be Safe

Always remember to be careful when communicating over the internet – other users may not be who they seem.

Don’t share your personal details with other people.

Never agree to meet someone in person who you have only met on the internet unless accompanied by a parent, carer or other known and trusted adult.

Speak to an adult immediately if you see a message, image or anything else on the internet that concerns you

Be Legal

Never post or share a message, document, image, video or any other other content that you do not have permission to use.

Be Responsible

Always be mindful that once you put something online, that information may be beyond your control.

Never post or share a message, document, image, video or any other content online that you would not wish other learners, teachers, or parents to see.

Remember that anything you do can be traced back to you.

If you misuse Glow, this can be reported to your school.

Upper school pupils should have already accessed Glow in school and tried out a few of the resources available. If your child has any problems accessing Glow they should inform their class teacher or Miss Anderson.

Further information about Glow is available Here.

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