Breich Neon Party

Today Breich celebrated receiving the most Dojos in Term 4 by having a Neon Party. Everyone dressed in neon clothes and we got glow bracelets. We danced, played games and had lots of brightly coloured food. Thanks to our House and Vice Captains for organising and to our P7 Young Leaders for helping.

Well done Breich!


Goodbye to Mrs Dickie

Tomorrow Mrs Dickie leaves us to return to her substantive post at St. John Ogilivie. At assembly today we surprised her with a video of our favourite memories of her, most of which were about the floss! She even performed the floss, with P7 for the whole assembly.

Our whole school community will miss Mrs Dickie, we will miss her calm, thoughtful and caring nature. I agree with Josh when he says ‘She is the best second in command ever!’ and would personally like to thank her for all her support over the past 7 months. We wish her luck as she returns to her old school and in her future adventure.

Goodbye to Miss Mulhern

Miss Mulhern leaves us tomorrow to take up a post at Carmondean Primary in August. Today at assembly, Primary 4 surprised her with a video of their favourite memories.

We would like to thank Miss Mulhern for all the work she has done not only with Primary 4 but across the school. We will miss her smiley, caring, energetic nature and wish her every success for her future career.

P7 Leavers’ Assembly

This morning the whole school along with the P7 parents and carers celebrated our P7s. The children sang, danced and shared memories. They also had an awards ceremony receiving their mugs, certificates, high school tie, tablet and year book. Mr Povey came along and shared some words with the children and gave them each a bible.

Thanks to the Parent Partner Group and our staff for organising all the gifts for our Primary 7 children.

At the ceremony I reminded them of the messages from our NED Show:

  • Never give up!
  • Encourage others!
  • Do your best!

I also shared with them that I would like them to remember to ‘Be the difference!’ as they move to high school and into adulthood.

Thank you to all our partners who have worked wth Primary 7 over the years, it was lovely to see so many of you today, and it was great that Mr Eagleson could join us.

Everyone at Team PUSCPS would like to wish our Primary 7 children all the luck and happiness for their futures, and a thank you to their parents for the support they have given the school over the years.



P7 Leavers’ Celebration Disco

Last night we welcomed our Primary 7s to their Leavers’ Disco. The staffed clapped and cheered as they walked up the read carpet, meeting their parents for some refreshments and photos before the real fun began! There was dancing, games and yummy food!

Thank you so much to our Parent Parents Group for organising the Leavers’ Disco and for all the staff who came along to give the Primary 7s a great send off!

Nursery Information Evening

Pumpherston and Uphall Station Community Primary School (PUSCPS) Nursery Class are holding an information evening for new parents and carers on Tuesday 26th June at 5:00pm. The nursery would be delighted to welcome any parents/ carers who have secured a place at PUSCPS Nursery.

Breich Neon Party

Breich received the most House Points in Term 4.

The children have decided on a Neon Themed Party. This will take place on Thursday 28th between break and lunch time. Children in Breich should come to school in their school uniform and bring bright coloured clothes to change into for the party.

We look forward to celebrating!

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