Pumphie Pals: Digital Learning

Today at Pumphie Pals we discussed four different questions:

  • What is technology?
  • How do we use technology at school?
  • How do we use technology at home?
  • What other ways could we use technology to help us learn?

Our Digital Directors will use this information to help their Junior Leadership Team.

Basketball Team

Today our Basketball Team played their first friendly games in the West Lothian Wolves basketball tournament.

Congratulations to our team and thank you to the families who brought along their children, and to Mrs Hamilton for coaching our team.


Today the JRSO junior leadership went for a walk to identify safe and unsafe places to park your car.

They made a video from the school gate to the football ground car park,  to show that it is a safe place to park and then walk to school.


The group also took photos of areas around the school car park which is an unsafe to park.


Plea for Loose Part Donations

Our nursery staff are looking for a range of items to help improve our outdoor area and loose parts play. Please contact the school on 01506 280995 or wlpuscps@westlothian.org.uk if you are able to donate any of the following items:

  • Bricks (assorted sizes)
  • Wooden poles
  • Wooden sleepers
  • Latches/ handles
  • Gate hinges
  • Scaffolding planks
  • Sand
  • Soil
  • Crates
  • Small logs

Dress Down Day: 26/10/18

A reminder that this Friday 26th October is Dress Down Day.  Children can dress down wearing casual clothes, appropriate for school.  We would request that if your child decides to take part in this fund raiser that they do make a donation. Your donation is in aid of school funds.

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