P4 – P7 Get Glowing!

Primary 4-7 have been using glow to access learning online. Every child in P4-7 has a username and password that they can use to access different resources.


Each class has created a team and within the team the children can access different learning tasks in and out of school.


Miss Burton has set the children in P4-7 a free writing task and a maths question of the day. Log into your team and click on the literacy and numeracy channels to access the task. These channels can be accessed at home and at school. I look forward to reading what you come up with!


To find out more about glow click here.

If your child can not remember their glow log in, please email the school office (wlpuscps@westlothian.org.uk) and we will reset it for them.


School Values Consultation: Last Chance!

As a school we recently consulted on what our community think our core values should be. Our core values are the fundamental beliefs of our school and are the guiding principles that dictate our behaviours.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far. Please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire which will help us determine our school values.

The questionnaire will close on 17th March 2020.


STEM Assembly: Sharing our STEM Learning

Today we our classes shared their STEM learning this term at our assembly.



Miss Connor, the West Lothian Development Officer for STEM shared with us the importance of STEM skills for our future jobs and carers.


Each class then shared with us their STEM Learning.

Primary 7

Primary 6


Primary 5

Primary 4

Primary 3

Primary 2

Primary 1


We celebrated the children and classes who scored highly in the West Lothian Maths Sumdog Competition.

We also invited along a neuroscientist, who told us all about his career and what STEM skills he used.

School Values Consultation

As a school we recently consulted on what our community think our core values should be. Our core values are the fundamental beliefs of our school and are the guiding principles that dictate our behaviours.
Please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire which will help us determine our school values.

The questionnaire will close on 13th March 2020.



Dear parent/ carer,
All families are invited to our STEM Celebration Assembly on Friday 13th March at 11:40pm. At this assembly, some children from each class will share a snippet of their STEM context for learning.
The assembly on Tuesday 17th March at 2:15pm is for Primary Two families, so that Primary Two can share their learning about the circus.
Kind regards,
Report a Glow concern
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