Week 5 Whole School Challenge: PUSCPS Home
Happy Retirement Mrs Thom
Update from Miss Burton
West Lothian Information about Easter Holidays
School lunches will continue to be provided during the school holiday period. This includes Good Friday and Easter Monday. There have been some changes to the collection points from Monday onwards. Further information can be found at https://bit.ly/2UFwW4q
Key Worker Childcare Centres will also continue to operate during the school holiday period. Further information can be found at https://bit.ly/3dU8J1N
Easter Holidays Activity Suggestions
The tasks attached are suggestions to support you during the Easter holidays. They are optional and are to help you during this extended time at home, please don’t feel you have to do them.
P5-7 can also catch up on learning in their Teams and their teacher will respond after the holidays.
Spring Learning Ideas Nursery-P1