Week 11: Whole School Challenge: Transitions
Parent Partner Meeting
Into Primary 1 Transition: Week 5
Update from Miss Burton – 29/05/2020
Week 10 Whole School Challenge
Nursery Home Learning
School Uniform Orders
Pumpherston and Uphall Station Community Primary School actively encourages all children to wear school uniform. The benefits of wearing school uniform are:
- Differences between pupils are reduced, which in turn reduces some of the causes of isolation and bullying;
- The self-esteem of particular groups can be improved;
- Security can be improved – it is easy to spot who does and does not belong to the school;
- It can improve the image of the school in the local community.
Our school uniform consists of;
- grey or black trousers/skirt/pinafore/school shorts
- white polo shirt, white school polo shirt or a white shirt and tie
- a blue school sweatshirt, a blue school cardigan, a blue sweatshirt or a blue cardigan
- sensible outdoor shoes
- black indoor shoes
- blue check summer dress with a blue cardigan
For P7:
- P7 tie – gifted by the school (– this will be organised at a relevant and safe time)
- white polo shirt or a white shirt
- black sweatshirt or black short cardigan
- grey or black trousers/skirt/pinafore/school shorts
- sensible outdoor shoes
- black indoor shoes
P.E. Kit:
- white or blue tshirt
- black or grey shorts
- black gym shoes
The West Lothian Council policy on school uniform can be found at: https://www.westlothian.gov.uk/media/2136/Dress-Code-for-Schools/pdf/SchoolDressCode.pdf
As our office is currently closed if you would like to purchase uniform with the school logo on it, I would encourage you to do this online at: https://www.border-embroideries.co.uk/schools/pumpherson-and-uphall-station-primary-school.html. At present I am unsure how we as a school can manage the ordering and distribution of uniform from the school office before August. If you have any questions please get in touch with us at wlpuscps@westlothian.org.uk.
Primary 1-6 ties are available from the school from 12:00-1:30pm for £4.
We also have nearly new uniform, which we will have on sale at the end of this term.
Week 10 Whole Schooll Challenge