Pumphie Pals – Have your say!
At our Pumphie Pals session this morning we used How Good is our School to create key questions to help us reflect on our year. We then used this time to answer the questions reflecting on what went well and how we could be even better.
This information will be collated along with our staff and parent/ carers views to help form our priorities for next session.
P1-P7 Families Learning Together
Wednesday 16th May 3:15pm
You are invited to our final Families Learning Together session of this year.
You will have an opportunity to see some of the learning which your child has been involved in this session and to help them to set targets to improve and progress.
FLT is a great chance to spend time sharing learning with your child, talking about their progress and next steps and understanding more of what they are learning before parent appointments – any member of the family is welcome.
Your child will shortly receive a slip in their school bag, please complete the slip and return to school so we know who to expect on the day.
Broxburn Academy Transition Information
Children who are transitioning to a non-cluster West Lothian school will receive separate information.
29th May – Transition Day – Broxburn Academy – Maths Challenge DayÂ
- All P7 pupils will take part in a Maths Challenge Morning at Broxburn Academy
- They will leave from PUSCPS and return to PUSCPS to be collected at the normal time
- Children should wear PUSCPS school uniform
30th May – Transition Day 1- Broxburn AcademyÂ
- Children to arrive at Broxburn Academy for 8.35am start – gather in dining hall
- Mrs Mooney will meet the children there to help them with registration
- Children will leave from Broxburn Academy at 3.25pm and make own way home
- Children need to bring a packed lunch
- Children who are entitled to a free school meal will be able to collect a packed lunch from Broxburn Academy staff
- Children getting the bus will be produced with a temporary bus pass prior to the transition days
- Children should wear PUSCPS school uniform.
30th May – P7 Parent Information EveningÂ
- Broxburn Academy – 6:30pm
31st May – Transition Day 2 – Broxburn AcademyÂ
- Children to go to Broxburn Academy for 8.35am start and registration
- Leave from Broxburn Academy at 3.25 and make own way home
- Lunch arrangements as for Day 1
- Children getting the bus will be produced with a temporary bus pass prior to the transition days
- Children should wear PUSCPS school uniform
1st June – Transition Day –Â Broxburn Academy – Active Schools
- All P7 pupils will take part in a Sports Day at Broxburn Academy
- They will leave from PUSCPS and return to PUSCPS to be collected at the normal time.
- Children should come to school with their sportswear, a water bottle and a snack.
Parent Partners – Fundraising Meeting
Parent Partners – End of Year Meeting
On Tuesday 29th May at 6:30pm we will have our final Parent Parents meeting for this school session. At the meeting we will plan our aims for the year ahead and set dates for our meetings for the school session 18/19.
We would like to welcome all current and new members along to help us establish our role and agenda for the year ahead.
Parent Partners Meeting Minutes – April
Uphall Station Gala Day
Uphall Station Gala Day was previously on the agenda at one of our Parent Partner meetings, and it was agreed that we would advertise this through our normal school communication.
The Gala Day is on 9th June.
We would like our nursery and school to be represented at the Gala Day with children and parent/ carers from our school community. The parade will leave Beechwood Grove at 12:30, with our school group meeting at 12:00pm.
The theme is ‘Carnival’ and we encourage everyone taking part in the walk to dress up as much as they would like to.
The races will run from 1pm-4pm in the park, and there is range of opportunities for all our children to take part.
We will shortly be sending out a letter so that we can get an estimate of the amount of families that would like to join us on the day.