Club Wild – On a Lichen Safari

What are these strange patterns and crazy colours that we see on trees, fenceposts and rocks? They look like splodges of gold and silver paint. They are lichens! You don’t often see how amazing and weird the forms and patterns of the lichens are unless you look closely. Club Wild found out on a lichen safari.

We found out that lichens are made up of two or more organisms living together, a fungus and an alga. The fungus provides the body and the algal partner provides the food from carbon dioxide and water with the aid of sunlight. This close interdependent relationship is referred to as a symbiosis.

We learned that there are crusty lichens which look like they are pressed onto the bark or rocks; leafy lichens which have leaf like lobes and bushy lichens which attach to the bark at the base of the lichen. We found types of all three in the woodland around the school.

We learned that lichens are highly sensitive to air quality and have been used to detect sources of pollution. In the past, when the air was highly polluted by sulpher dioxide, few lichens could survive. It was good to draw some of the weird shapes that they make.

On the way back to school there is a puddle full of frogspawn. We could see tadpoles hatching right in front of us. Spring is definitely here!

Club Wild – Seed Bombs Away!

Now we can hear the sound of bees we know that spring is definitely here. Our wild flower bed is full of beautiful spring tulips and daffodils but to make sure the bees and butterflies have all that they need through to Autumn, it is time for ‘seed bombs away’.

Last Autumn we collected wild flower seeds from our wild flower patch and stored them in a dry place. We used these along with other seeds that bees and butterflies particularly like. Here is our seed bomb recipe:

1 cup of wild flower seeds

2-3 cups powdered clay or clay spoil

5 cups of Compost

We could tell if the soil had lots of clay by rolling it into a ball. If it stayed in a ball shape it has lots of clay but if it crumbles it does not. The clay will bind all the ingredients together. We delved right in and mixed all the ingredients together to make balls.

Now for the fun part… the throwing. Seed bombs away! 

Triathlon Coaching Session

Today, we welcomed a coach from Triathlon Scotland/West Lothian Tri to come into school and coach some of the children in P5-7 who have expressed an interest in the upcoming West Lothian Schools Triathlon. They learned about what to expect on the day and had a chance to practise some transition drills. The children taking part all really enjoyed the session and we have had a message from the coach to say how well-behaved the children were. Well done to all that took part!

Rookie Rockstars – day 2!

The children are having lots of fun with the Rookie Rockstars. Today they learned another two songs, as part of the preparation for their concert next week and to record on their CD later this week. Today’s songs were “Bullies ain’t big” and “Hey, hey, I’m ok”. All classes have been busy designing a CD cover for the PUSCPS CD and the winner will be announced at the concert next week. In the meantime, here are a few photos from the fun today. Mrs Campbell and Miss Mulhearn took on the Rapbattle challenge against Katy and Sam, and they won! Well done to them all for taking part!

Club Wild – Spring is in the air!

Now that the long winter is finally over Club Wild have been busy out and about exploring the wildlife and plants around us and starting to give them a helping hand for the months ahead. Catch up with all our adventures here…

Club Wild – Animal tracks and Signs

 We put on our detective hats and set out to find what animals we have living in the school area. We might not see them all the time as they are shy and hide from us but we know they are there from the clues they leave behind. We took with us identification guides but most importantly our alert senses and curiosity.

 The snow  left the ground wet and muddy which makes an excellent surface for preserving paw prints. Looking down, we identified dogs large and small, ducks and other birds and deer. One small track even looked like it has been left behind by a hedgehog.

 We thought about other clues that animals might leave. Erin said they could leave fur or feathers behind. She is right, sometimes when animals brush past bushes or fences some of their fur gets left. We found some very soft grey/brown fur that we think was left by a rabbit.

 Lucas said that they would leave poo and he is absolutely right. Identifying animal droppings is a great way to kmow what animals are there as all animals eat and get rid of their waste as droppings. Scientists call animal droppings scat. Using our scat id sheet we can now tell the difference between the rabbit (rounded) and deer (pointy at one end) droppings. We also found what looked to be fox poo as we could see fur, tiny bones and seeds within the scat.

 We also found some pellets, again full of animal bones and fur. Pellets are the undigested parts of a bird’s food which are coughed up through the beak. You can tell which bird left the pellet by dissecting it and finding out what small mammals that are around and then eaten.

 We were rewarded with the sight of three beautiful deer! They watched us for a bit before moving on. There are lots of other clues to look out for, nibbled bark on trees, nibbled hazelnuts left under the hazel trees. We have found nuts nibbled by wood mice and those eaten by squirrels before.

 We also found lots of tracks and signs left by us as we stumbled over what humans leave behind… rubbish. From the old rubbish of the Victorian bottle dump to all the litter left behind today. Let’s be more like animals and leave behind things that can decompose.

 Club Wild, Mrs Young and Sarah-Jane

Ethos Survey for Parents and Carers

Please follow the link below to participate in an ethos survey for parents and carers. We value your input and hope that you will take the time to complete this short survey. Should you require a paper copy, please let the office know and we can arrange this for you. We would be grateful if surveys could be completed by Friday 1st June. Thank you for your support with this.


Rookie Rockstars!

As you will be aware, Rookie Rockstars will be coming to work with our children during the week beginning 30th April. They will be working towards helping the children to record their own CD.  Our pupils will also be given the opportunity to perform in a concert on the evening of 10th May. Rookie Rockstars have sent this letter with further information about the programme. Tickets for the concert will be on sale very soon. We hope you will be able to come along and support this event!

rookie letter 2

P7 camp photos

Now that we are back to internet connection, I can post some more of the photos from camp. Here are some from archery, shelter-building, fire-lighting, aerial activities, and problem-solving. More to come soon! I hope all the children enjoyed the experience – the staff were all very proud of them! They represented our school brilliantly. I hope they enjoy some well-earned rest this weekend. Mrs Dickie

P7 camp -day 3!

We have had another busy day here in Hexham and the sun has shone all day. Another full day with lots of activities including laser tag, fencing, aeroball, team games, problem solving and of course the aerial courses. The children have had a great day and have worked well together in teams. They had the choice of a disco or movie night tonight and are now all in bed. After breakfast tomorrow we will be packing up to come home! We are hoping to leave here between 9.30/10 and expect to be at school for 1.30pm. We’ll send group calls to let you know if this changes. Good night from Hexham!


P7 camp – end of day two!

Our second day is over and everyone is tucked up in bed. Dinner this evening was roast beef or stir-fry noodles, before a final activity and then campfire or scrapheap challenge. We have taken lots of photos and will post these tomorrow. Good night from Mrs Mooney, Ms Young and Mrs Dickie!

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